
Verba volant

@volentis / volentis.tumblr.com

Art blog for personal OC stuff and commissions ------ Trade No Request No Commission Yes ------

Managed a lil something in time, happy Lunar new year! 🐍 🧧


Somehow t/umblr disabled reblogs on my older commission post, so I'm making this one for now. You can read my Terms of Service over here. For contact please Email at myouellet[@]hotmail.fr or add me on discord (volentis) indicating its for a commission.

If you are interested about creatures TF coms

The process is the same for those, you can also ask for the price depend on what type of multiple detailed stages you want. For more examples you can check my Furaffinity (18+)

Thank you for your attention and time  👍🏽

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