

@hpkomic / hpkomic.tumblr.com


This is the final month of the submission window to make our 2024 cryptid zine! Please get your art and writing to us by June 30th to be included. Everyone welcome - just draw or write about cryptids.

We will jam as many submissions as possible into it, like so many hopkinsville goblins in a tar paper shack.

Full details on the zine's landing page:


For real; editing this starting next week. I will jam every submission I possibly can here, so if you want to send in something now is the time!


Got an upcoming crowdfunding campaign, book release, or comics to share? If you are an independent creator who wants to get the word out about your project to motivated listeners, consider advertising on our show.

It is only $2 an episode. We will read your ad or write an ad for you, with your guidance.

Learn more here:


The Supernatural Selection 2024 Cryptid Encounter Zine is still taking submissions!

We are in the back half of the zine submissions period, so if you love monsters and cryptids and would like to submit art or writing for the zine now is a great time to send your work in. We are collecting material until the end of June 2024.

Remember that once the Zine is available, you are free to distribute and resell it as you wish at conventions and art fairs. We make no claims on your art or writing.

For more details on the zine, in addition to the current schedule for publishing, please check out the web page.


I am still very much wanting to add as much art and writing as I can as an editor and would love to include as much stuff as I possibly can. Please consider submitting any art or writing about weird little monsters and cryptids you can, even simple doodles are great. If you don't feel you can contribute, but know someone who might be a good fit, please share the zine information with them or reblog some of the details.


Testing a possible switch to black and white for the comic in the future. Right now I am focusing on establishing some "rules" to my design and see how much looseness I can deal with.


My latest article for CharacterHub features tips for writing character descriptions for OCs and roleplayers, in addition to providing 101 examples of great character descriptions from literary and independent creators.


Looking to promote some creators

I am writing an article and have a chance to promote some webcomics, web novels, and the like. What I need are examples of character descriptions, such as from scripts, series bibles, or bio/cast pages. Or, if you work strictly in prose, a descriptive passage introducing a character.

If you feel you have a great example of a character description, please let me know. I can't guarantee I can include it, but I would like to. Naturally, your comic, web novel, or whatever project gets linked in the article.

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