

@zaivinx / zaivinx.tumblr.com


they’re called boops but i think it’s better as lil baps

bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap ba


Archaeopteryx, a new beginning.

One of my favorite dinosaurs and fossils, Archaeopteryx lithographica. I hope I get to see it in person someday <3

The missing link between dinosaurs and birds, an extinct animal shedding light on such a modern matter. It has always fascinated me. The evolutionary success of so many animals, still present and alive today, coming from millions of years ago.

Even before it was found, scientists expected some animal like Archaeopteryx to have existed, so here archaeopteryx stands in the middle, glowing, as if saying "I'm here! I existed! We are still around, in stone, and in the sky!"

I am submitting this drawing to the art contest Paleoartapalooza, held by the Museum of the Rockies. Wish me luck 🤞

I hope you like it!


Hey @prideknights as someone who voted "yes please re-issue" on that poll, thank you so much for making the cards available again!! We couldn't afford them at all the first time but we're a bit more fiscally secure now and...

They're so much shinier in person than a picture can possibly show.


I can't wait to use them.

(eta: just checked, if you want a set orders this time are open through the end of March! go forth!)


People often say to me: “You draw like some kind of inhuman machine.  If I eat your brain, will I gain your power?”  The answer is yes, but there is another way. The key to precise drawing is building up muscle memory so that your arm/hand/fingers do the things you want them to do when you want them to do them.  Teaching yourself to draw a straight line or to make sweet curves is just a matter of practice and there are some exercises you can do to help improve. If you’re going to be doodling in class or during meetings anyway, why not put that time to good use?


my life advice is if anyone ever says 'let me know if there's anything i can do' think of something for them to do even if you feel like they didn't mean it. if they didn't mean it they shouldn't have said it and if they did mean it u will both feel closer to each other for it.


adding @contritecactite's tags:


Photinus fireflies are probably one of North America’s most iconic and beloved beetles, and rightfully so. P. pyralis is big and bright, with a yellow-green color to its bioluminescence

I also often see these smaller Photinus with a warm orange glow. I think they could be P. scintillans, which aligns with their size, flash pattern, the yellow sclerites on males, and where I’m located. females of that species are short-winged and flightless, so I’ll try to find one to figure out the ID for sure.

reminder that fireflies eat slugs and snails as larvae! if you like seeing them in your garden, stop trying to exterminate land gastropods and leave some vegetation where the adults can sleep during the day. slugs and “weeds” = more magic glowing bugs

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