
Queendom of the Abyss

@thetruequeenoftheabyss / thetruequeenoftheabyss.tumblr.com

Hey there! / she/they / Buy me a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thetruequeenoftheabyss My redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Artfromtheabyss/shop?asc=u / art shit and reblogs mostly/ honestly it's a mess/ that's why it's called the abyss!

Not my white ass locked in the duke’s dungeon again because I fucked his favorite jester 😩

I didn’t know he was so territorial over the silly little guy 🙄


Pro Tip: Avoid this in the future by inviting the king to your chambers and presenting the situation as;

" Just warming him up for a surprise threesome. You looked so stressed, sire, so let us help you relax."

  1. The Duke would, at best, be the fourth
  2. The Duke’s wife is the third from time to time, and I feel like he’s not gonna be happy about that
  3. And most importantly, the Duke is a fuck boi, he’s not invited

Ah, but I said the king, my good wizard!

If you get the king in on this, the duke can do nothing without risking insulting his monarch.

This could not possibly backfire!

In fact, I'll go perform this right now and report back my success shortly.


Welcome to the club

surely the duke can’t catch all of us????

Gonna try hitting up the jester when the duke goes out for another raid and report with results 👍


Wow. I don't respect anyone in this thread.

feels like somebody’s mad they didn’t get the chance to fuck the duke’s favorite jester

Make a pass at the jester and there’s always a chance

That you’ll be be doing that old “chained in the dungeon” dance

I was inspired


I've had this little idea in my head for a while now, so I decided to sit down and plot it out.

Disclaimer: This isn't meant to be some sort of One-Worksheet-Fits-All situation. This is meant to be a visual representation of some type of story planning you could be doing in order to develop a plot!

Lay down groundwork! (Backstory integral to the beginning of your story.) Build hinges. (Events that hinge on other events and fall down like dominoes) Suspend structures. (Withhold just enough information to make the reader curious, and keep them guessing.)

And hey, is this helps... maybe sit down and write a story! :)


This looks like a helpful way to build a story (*´∀')b

I am mostly an intuitive pantser (mostly a writer who just designs her characters and later writes the story as she goes on) but at least I have a bit of structure in mind and not just regurgitate things. I mostly stick to writing a quick summary and a few notes to guide me.

I start introducing the characters and their relationships, then slowly it builds up to whatever bigger challenge they'll be facing later on. If it's got heavy worldbuilding and lore, at least have a prologue or introduction before the first chapter. Most importantly, try to review what you've previously written to avoid inconsistencies.


When you guys have visited potential apartments, what kind of questions did you ask besides the basics like what rent and utilities include?

Here are questions I didn’t ask but should have: what does the basement look like?

What measures are taken to secure the building ?

Are the walls thin? Brief info of who lives in the building. Are they college kids? People that work through the day? Elderly? Is it a mix? Where does the garbage go?

Can I pay rent bi-weekly? What kind of fuses does the apartment use? (My fuse box is in the basement. If I blow a fuse I have to replace it myself. They screw until the box. All of which I didn’t know until it happened and I was sitting in the dark suddenly.)

Who do I call for repairs? (If it’s a private rental) Am I allowed to paint the walls? Is there any additional storage? Do you do regular pest control?

count the outlets, ask about recycling policies, ask if there’s a noise restriction (nothing loud after midnight, everything goes on the weekend, etc)

LAUNDRY FACILITIES Definitely ask about security Whether subletting is allowed (esp if you’re in college and might want to sublet for the summer) If you have a car, whether there’s parking/how much it costs What kind of heating/AC there is Procedure/response time for any maintenance How mail/packages are received/protected from theft (seriously people stealing your packages can be a huge problem) What kind of verification of your salary will they want, and in what circumstances will they accept a guarantor instead? Whether the apartment is furnished

Assuming you are in the middle of looking at/choosing between places: When does the lease start? Are you going to give preference to people based on when they can move in? Whether groups of a certain number of people get preference Really anything about who they prioritize for applications, it can save you a lot of trouble in trying to apply to places you’ll never get into

not something for asking the realtors, necessarily, but important rights you should be aware of as a tenant:

when and for what reasons are your landlords allowed to enter your home? how much of a notice should they give you before entering?

can the landlord make modifications to your home or apartment without your approval? to what extent?

what are the options and conditions for breaking your lease early if there’s an emergency? (this is ESPECIALLY important for anyone moving to a new state/considerable distance where you are not able to visit the apartment/home before you rent – students get taken advantage of ALL THE TIME with this shit)

if your first or last month at the property is a partial stay (i.e. you move in on july 15th, and rent is typically due on the first) make sure you don’t pay the full first month’s rent before you know the area laws! in many states, you are only legally required to pay for the time you are occupying the property

is renter’s insurance necessary? many apartments want at least 30k coverage, which can run a couple hundred dollars extra per year

are the landlords/property management liable for crimes on the property? for example, if your car was broken into. if not GET RENTER’S INSURANCE

Is there a pet policy? Deposit/monthly rent?

Can I get a checklist of things that need to be done/fixed to get my deposit back at the end? (They should provide this for you - do a walkthrough when you’re looking and have them point out what they want done. You’ll want that money back!!)

Check the outlets, bring your phone charger and plug it in to test!

If there isn’t laundry in the apartment, can they install a washer and dryer for a fee? (Happened to a friend for 50 bucks more, she could’ve have a washer dryer put in. What the hell it’s worth it, trust me.)

Is it a smoking complex? Some in AZ are non-smoking.

Has anyone died in the apartment? (Maybe this is dumb but I just read about someone who found out the previous tenant committed suicide in her place. Not good.)

Many of these questions can be answered by acquiring a “model lease”! This is just a copy of the landlord’s standard lease.

Most landlords will provide one on request. Some may even have one on their website.

Read any lease very carefully before signing.

Get someone else to read it over too if possible so they can catch any fuckery you might’ve missed. A lease is a legal contract you’re entering into, make sure you know what you’re agreeing to!

(Also, I personally check under each sink for mildew and I also sniff curtains, carpet, and/or paper blinds for a cigarette smell that may be stronger when the landlord hasn’t just had the windows open etc to hide it)


okay you know those virtual science labs they made you do in high school?

i bet they’d have mad science versions at evil high school

You know what? I’m going to take a stab at making an evil version.

They’re basically glorified slide shows, so I should be able to do it with my current skill set


excited to see where this goes

I’ll probably use the same style that I used here for it:

update: you can fuck up

fun fact: it’s basically feature complete at the moment. I just need to make all the art for it

last sneak peek I swear

about 36% done with the art and animations 🙏

My first pass on the graphics is nearly done!

I still want to add some flashy effects, as well as program in some additional text to give more context and information to make it more educational 😈

I might also spend some time doing a second pass on the graphics to re-structure some scenes and add in more hand-pixeled details, but we’ll see how exhausted I am by the time I finish the first pass

The game is now in a presentable state— I just have to wait for PayPal to finish up with its bullshit so you guys can give me tips if you’d like, and so I can offer bonus content


(game is free, but you're welcome to donate! I also have some bonus content if you do)


Human Bill Cipher

And just to be clear, writing dissertations at me justifying why he should instead be a conventionally attractive twink will involuntarily cause me to draw him with even fewer teeth.

I posted this art on other platforms a few days before I posted it here, and sincerely recieved some pretty hostile, rude, negative and nasty responces to it. It heals my heart that Tumblr, the platform I was most anxious about, has by far been the most supportive. Thanks for all the kind messages.

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