
Beemo and Anders



i don’t know if there’s anything you can do, but figured you’d want to see this :/


I reported them for spam a few days ago. There's at least one other person impersonating me (the other one is using my real name, my face, and my real location), but no action from @staff , so I doubt they'll do anything about this one, either.

For the record, my ONLY blogs are @anexperimentallife , @atombombbaby , @cogitoergowtf , @besteveryoubet , and @bluecrashkit

Anyone else you see using my pic or name or whatever is a scammer.


His hobbies include chasing rabbits, cats, squirrels, and our flock of cockatiels. But ONLY to either herd them or try to get them to play with him. He mopes when he “boops” one of our birds with his nose and they peck at him and waddle away. He will nip at the birds’ tailfeathers to herd them (he is, after all, from a herding breed), but the few times he has actually taken one of them in his mouth, it was only to very gently bring the bird to me because it had strayed too far from the flock for his comfort. (He also gets upset when we kill bugs, or when he tries to play with a bug and accidentally kills it.)

I forgot to mention that Beemo the Wonder Dog (the one in the first pic) also tells us when our other dog, Anders the Magehound (the smaller dog below), has to poop, because although Anders is for the most part pretty well housebroken, he’s not entirely up to speed. And the only reason for this additional information is that I wanted to brag about Beemo a little more, and show you a picture of Anders.


“Hi, my name is Anders, and I pooped in Maria’s shoe while she was asleep.”

(To be fair, I think he had a little too much people food yesterday, he IS still a puppy, and he hasn’t yet figured out that he can wake us up if he can’t wait. Beemo the Wonder Dog usually lets us know if Andy needs to go, but I think he was asleep, too.)


When you need to lay back down, but there is one dog in your lap and another where your feet go and both are being so adorable that forcing them to move is unthinkable.


Andy the Magehound and Beemo the Wonder Dog are getting along great. You can see here that Beemo is careful to not be too rough with his new little buddy.

We planned to give each dog their own separate everything, but they are so far happy sharing toys, dishes, and everything. At one point Beemo even took his favorite toy–his squeaky froggy–and placed it very gently between Andy’s front paws. (Also, please to be pardoning messy room.)


These dogs only have three speed settings: “lemme sleep,” “obsessive bird-guarding,” and “WEEEEEEEOOOOOOMMMMM!”


One of the hardest things about this breakup is going to be giving up these little guys. I was literally sobbing about it earlier.

Maria can’t take them, and she finally got it through my thick skull that my disabled ass isn’t going to be able to consistently care for them on my own, either, even if I weren’t going to be living on a limited income.

I don’t want to take them to the shelter, but the only person I know who could take them is on the other side of the country. At least I know that our shelter is no-kill, and conscientious, and really loves the animals, and I know that if I ask, they’ll make sure that anyone who takes one takes both, and that I can write up stuff about their individual idiosyncrasies and personalities so that anyone who takes them at least knows something about them.

I thought all of us would have each other forever. I was wrong.

I really need to find the best homes possible for them.


These little guys are so used to me getting up late that they came down and begged until I finally went back upstairs and sat on the bed with them.


I hope they like Mexico. I’m pretty sure they will.

And hey, if anybody lives near Ensenada and wouldn’t mind giving me some apartment-hunting advice, that’d be awesome, because I’m moving there this summer, but I’ve never even visited before.

Plans have changed, and I can’t take them with me, but I want them to have the best lives possible.


Beemo the Wonder Dog and Anders the Blanket Hound. I love the way they take turns “losing.” It’s like a fuzzy WWE.

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