

@miitarion / miitarion.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

How long does it usually take you to complete your illustrations? They look incredible!!

It depends, ig usually it takes around 12-18 h if we're talking about the ones with bg


Have you ever played Miitopia? And If so would you recommend it for ppl like me who are trying to get into rpgs that have a similar goofy charm to paper Mario 64(that one was my first and from what I played it was fun bc of its goofy charm)


I never played miitopia, I didn't even know it was an rpg..kind of assumed it was a collection of minigames


had the pleasure to make a super experimental comic for @neverturnbackzine! We raised a really stunning amount of money for the ISTSS; Thanks again to everyone involved in the project and everyone who bought a copy of the zine!

My comic depicts Shadow's emotional journey towards his new future as protector of the ARK in the semi-hero ending, through flashbacks to the things he found out about his past (or didn't. some memories are uncertain). The deeper he goes, the more uncertain things get, but he keeps going and he eventually finds his place, his determination for his future. He is the chosen one, for better or for worse. The song just fit really well and I tried to incorporate it into a dialogue-less comic... I'm proud of how it turned out ^_^ even when now a year later im like oh fuck i have like 50 ideas on how to improve this

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