
Allegro de Whirl

@clarionglass / clarionglass.tumblr.com

The name's Clari, the game's... well, whatever this mess happens to be this week (tbh it's mostly tma brainrot at this point)
she/her | Aus | old (18↑)

whoniverse dash simulator part 2

πŸ’™ samefacesyndrome Follow

aww i cant believe anyone would want to hurt the meep! just the cutest little guy ive ever met

πŸ’™ samefacesyndrome Follow

kill the bastard thing

836 notes

🌈 pillbotts Follow


67k notes

🧣 tallscarfyman Follow

78k notes

🍁 fortheoswin Follow

this edible aint shit

🍁 fortheoswin Follow

i just saw all the thousands of fragments of myself live and die a million deaths in the timestream

4.5k notes

🎡 nitro9 Follow

not the furry trying to insult me

πŸ’₯ spymaster Follow

this you?

684 notes

πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦° pondlife Follow

wtf theres a tall men in black looking alien bastard in my front room

πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦° pondlife Follow

thats weird i dont remember posting that

πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦° pondlife Follow

wtf theres a tall men in black looking alien bastard in my front room

83 notes

🌟 hifam Follow

i think ill bottle everything up inside until i literally explode

17.3k notes

🎷 secondsbest Follow

my life is falling apart. my friends just had their memories of me wiped and the timelords are forcing me to regenerate. everything is going wrong

🎷 secondsbest Follow

but i stay silly :3


inspired by fifteen trying to say shit and getting censored by the nanny filter, here’s a complete table of every doctors who and whether or not they use strong language

1 - no

2 - yeah

3 - rarely, but accurately and directly, in a dignified and sarcastic fashion

4 - ABSOLUTELY all the time. the tardis filter barely copes. we’ve all seen the K-9 clip, that’s what the character sounds like without the kids show censorship

5 - no. does he look like a man who swears to you? maybe some esoteric combination of words like fuckadoodle shitnozzles

6 - yes. duh

7 - he doesn’t enjoy it, but occasionally, sparingly, when the situation calls for it

8 - definitely . not too frequently, though. for emphasis, or for a laugh

9 - that man is a working class northerner from the 2000s and a jaded war veteran. draw your own conclusions. he knows elaborate insults you’ve never heard of

10 - cheeky little β€˜fuck’ here and there with rose & martha, ALL THE TIME with donna, and swearing like hell when he starts going off the rails in the s4 specials

11 - lol no. well… he’s got an example to set to the companions that he treats like children. he’s a storybook character and he wants to be perceived as an imaginary friend, a kind almost victorian whimsical gentleman in a bowtie, and a person like that wouldn’t use crude language. with river song though? now THAT’S a whole other story

12 - the scene in dark water with the psychic paper tells us everything we need to know. twelve in series 8 was straight up pg13ified malcolm tucker. shuttity-up-up-up without the tardis filter sounds like fuckity-bye. he swears liberally, frequently, unsparingly and unceremoniously, at everyone without distinction, including clara’s students at coal hill. personally i think that’s one hell! of a fucking! bird!

13 - no. she’s all famalam hipster mum cringy kindergarten teacher. it doesn’t fit her ~vibe~. the master makes fun of this trait in the timeless children when he’s goading her about her superiority complex. says it’s such a step down from her previous self, at least that one was honest about his emotions

fugitive - she gives no fucks and takes no shit

14 - yes from time to time, like a normal human being would, nothing excessive. donna does bring it out in him though. his mouthy side

15 - this guy says cunt and serves it


whoniverse dash simulator

🎸 puddingbrains Follow

i wish i could remember anything other then her name...

πŸ” hellosweetie Follow

his ass is never beating the dementia allegations

3,957 notes

πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦° notazygon Follow

i love being a normal human being. nothing strange or unusual about me

2 notes

⏳ theseshoestheyfit Follow

i forgor πŸ’€

5 notes

πŸ“ votesaxon Follow

the daleks could have ended the time war so fast if they just poisoned the time lords with aspirin

πŸ§‚ dalekempire Follow


πŸ‘” timeywimey Follow

why tf would you give them that idea????

4.1k notes

πŸŽ€ bowtiesarecool Follow

the tardis is like a beautiful sexy eldritch death machine to me

127 notes

πŸ—‘ leela Follow

loom is beautiful name for a baby

πŸ‘’ madampresident Follow

oh thats not...

156 notes

πŸ§‚ dalekempire Follow

Callout post for The Doctor (@ oneforall / @ secondsbest / @ frillsandautomobiles / @ scarfytallman / @ celeryfan / @ worldsbestcoat / @ unlimitedricepudding / @ theseshoestheyfit / @ resonatingconcrete / @ timeywimey / @ bowtiesarecool / @ puddingbrains / @ hifam)

[Warning: Genocide]


🎡 nitro9 Follow

no one asked also youre all fascists

🦳oneforall Follow


🎷 secondsbest Follow


πŸš• frillsandautomobiles Follow


🧣 tallscarfyman Follow


126k notes

πŸ‘” timeywimey Follow

bingle bongle dingle dangle yickedy doo yickedy da ping pong lippy-tappy-too-ta, if you even care πŸ˜’

1.6k notes

β˜‚οΈ queenofevil Follow

40k notes

❓unlimitedricepudding Follow

you want me to drink carrot juice???? the thing that killed the sixth doctor?!?!?

🐱 worldsbestcoat Follow


766 notes

⏳theseshoestheyfit Follow

i forgor πŸ’€

🀝 edwardianadventuress Follow


14 notes


πŸ’₯DIMENSION 20: NEVER STOP BLOWING UP! This explosive, action-packed, high-octane new season of Dimension 20 premieres June 26th on Dropout. Starring Brennan Lee Mulligan, Ally Beardsley, Ify Nwadiwe, Isabella Roland, Rekha Shankar, Alex Song-Xia, and Jacob Wysocki!


you think you know someone (game master cinematic universe, part 4)


β€œSam says: say my name.”

It was easy. Too easy. And as the Doctor looked into the eyes of the man calling himself Sam Reich, he felt his hearts stutter in recognition, because something had changed. He wasn’t hiding himself anymore, and while the face was different yet again, the Doctor would know the shape of that soul anywhere. It was impossible. It was inevitable.

β€œYou can’t be,” he breathed.Β 

Sam smirked, leaning in across his podium. β€œOh, but Doctor… I’ve been here the whole time,” he stage-whispered with a wink.

β€œHe said you lost,” the Doctor said, shaking his head, looking wrong-footed for the first time that Brennan and Grant could recall. β€œYou lost, and he trapped you.”

The other two watched, uncomprehending, but Sam just smiled, drumming his fingers against the podium with an audible beat, fast but distinct. Four taps, four taps, four taps. β€œI’m waiting.”

The Doctor took a slow, deep breath. Set his jaw.Β 



The grin that spread across Sam’sβ€”the Master’sβ€”face threatened to split his face in two.

β€œPoint goes to the Doctor,” he said, radiating an almost seraphic satisfaction.


β€œtake me to the book that you wish you could reread for the first time”

[Video transcript:

Narrator: Take me to the book you wish you could reread for the first time.

Claire [white person with gray hair in purple jacket, pronouns she/her]: (laughs) I love that question!

Christine [black person with black bandana and orange shirt, pronouns they/them]: sure!

Rosie [white person in patterned dress with black cardigan, pronouns she/they]: oo…

AmyΒ  [white person in brown cardigan and blue shirt, pronouns she/her]: okay!

Claire: not done yet! [runs off to find another book].

Claire: (sighs) I loved both of these books so much. [holds up a book titled The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner] This is The Thief. You read the whole book, you love the whole book, and the author does this revelation at the end that you go: what?! How did she do that!

Claire: [holds up a book titled Code Name Verity by Elizabeth E. Wein] Code Name Verity, also a fabulous book, set in World War II. This is a person who’s been captured by the Nazi’s and forced to write out a confession. And she also handles that amazing trick where you get to the end and you’re like: β€œwhat??” And you have to go right back to the beginning and start over again. I so wish I could experience these revelations again for the first time.

Rosie: [holds up a book titled Stay and Fight by Madeline Ffitch] Alright, this is Stay and Fight by Madeline Ffitch. If you’re a queer person, you probably have at least three friends who want to start a commune in the woods. This book is about a group of queer women who actually start living off the grid in Appalachia. It has the most, like, fiercely tender writing about found family and subverting family structures that I’ve ever read. I read this book a few years ago, I’m still thinking about it.Β 

Christine: [holds up a book titled More Than This by Patrick Ness] Ah, this book would have to be More Than This by Patrick Ness. Um, it’s really hard to explain without giving it all away, but it’s essentially a kid who accidentally dies and wakes up in a coffin in a desolate world, not knowing what’s going on, and it’s just - you’re in for a huge roller coaster, it’s so much fun.Β 

Amy: [holds up a book titled Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood] I wish I could read Alias Grace again. Um,it’s about a girl who is accused and convicted of killing her employers, but she has no memory of what happened. And so she’s being interviewed to try to figure out what happened, and it’s just every time she starts the story it’s a little bit different and the facts don’t line up so it’s an unreliable narrator. Um and you just - you get to the end and you’re still, your - your brain is just, β€œwhat happened?” It’s fascinating, it’s amazing, and they made it into a Netflix series so you should definitely check it out.

Claire: I’ll take that!

Amy: ok!

End Transcript]

#i will always reblog mentions of the thief#everyone should read the queen's thief series i mean it *everyone*#i read three books/series in mid-late high school that have become foundational to my writing personality#the rook by daniel o'malley is how i want to read.#the premise is fantastic and the writing grips you and pulls you in and above all it's fucking funny#(it was adapted into a tv series but i saw the trailer and it looked like they'd sucked all the joy out of it)#(so while i adore adrian lester as an actor it was an almost immediate no from me)#daughter of smoke and bone by laini taylor (and indeed anything else by her) is how i want to write.#the prose is so gorgeous and just the right side of pretentious to nail it for me#and she's got a gift for slightly offbeat unusual similes which just. mmm i love them#also there's something about 'meliz first; meliz last; meliz eternal' which has stayed with me for literal years#and lastly. there's the queen's thief series. (the thief is book 1). and that is how i want to plot.#jesus mother of fuck. it's just. phenomenal#it's the one piece of media i would never ever spoil myself for (i am a notorious spoilerphile) because it deserves it#it deserves to have the first read completely clean#but then in every subsequent reread (and i have reread these books like a dozen times) i notice extra tiny foreshadowing details#it's so fucking clever#anyway the series is finished so go read it without fear of waiting#also!!! it's the rare exception to the law of diminishing returns#book 1 is fucking good. book 2 is also fucking good. book 3 is without exaggeration one of the best things i have ever read#(books 4 5 and 6 are also absolutely baller)

🚨TONIGHT! A new episode of Game Changer ("Ratfish Part 1") launches on Dropout at 7PM ET / PM PT.

Featuring host Sam Reich, and contestants Rekha Shankar, Zac Oyama, Katie Marovitch, Grant O’Brien, Jess Ross, Ally Beardsley, and Brennan Lee Mulligan.


you think you know someone....

Anonymous asked:

can I just say I love the implication in Deja Vu that the Master has tormented Brian David Gilbert separately. it's such a fun detail.

augh thank you! i imagine the master has been an absolute arsehole to every member of the cast, and i think he would have had a lot of fun fucking with bdg, but i stuck to the main three povs a) for simplicity's sake and b) so the damn thing didn't crack 7000 words ^^;

glad you enjoyed!!!


now im imagining what pride events in ankh morpork are like

there will EXCLUSIVELY be kink at the ankh morpork pride parade

Extremely correct response, leaving out the inevitable debacle over citizens declaring counterfeit genders in order to have rarer pronoun pins to sell to collectors in the underground pronoun market.

Dibbler, only mildly discouraged, eventually realizes he can sell embellishments for your pronoun pin, which he claims will upgrade your gender.

Also of note is that there are no cops present at Ankh-Morpork Pride. This is not because they aren't welcome (everyone knows Nobby is as kinky as they come), but because the festivities include throwing bricks at the City Watch building and they are busy trying to make sure they still have a place to work the next day. The Night Watch prepares each year with a barricade, and pre-marriage Vimes always collects the good bricks so he can save for a house. Nobody is really sure where the tradition came from, but it's good fun and usually nobody gets hurt too badly.

The bricks are provided by Vetinari, who considers it a good test of city infrastructure and training for the Watch.

  • Cheery would 100% march in the parade. She'd get Nobby to go with her, but Nobby would be completely oblivious as to why (he assumed she just wants company).
  • Moist von lipwig would have pride-themed stamps made; these would inevitably have some kind of issue, which would create some outrage and ultimately make the stamps more valuable as collectors' items.
  • I don't get the impression that Ankh Morpork ever had anti-sodomy or crossdressing laws, so I don't think the queer community's history with the police would be the same as it is in the real world. Especially because Cheery Littlebottom literally started the Dwarf trans/feminism movement as an officer of the Watch, with the Watch's support.
  • Dibbler would totally sell pride flags with the wrong colors (and then insist it was the "new, updated version" if anyone questioned him)
  • The nobility are all scandalized, meanwhile the Seamstresses Guild has a float in the parade
  • Adora Belle Dearheart is deeply involved with at least one queer organization and is one of the main organizers of the Pride festival, but refuses to answer any questions about why
  • Ridcully decides the wizards should be involved, and Ponder Stibbons should make a float and organize the refreshments for them to eat while riding on the float. Ridcully's concept of allyship is loudly saying, "Well done, that man!" and pointing at anyone he thinks is exhibiting particularly queer behavior.
  • Madam Sharn and Pepe release a whole new line of Pride-themed chainmail
  • Bengo Macarona is embraced as a gay icon
  • Reg Shoe decides the main pride event is too corporate, and organizes an alternative pride parade for the same time and place; this immediately gets subsumed by the main pride event. Some Omnians show up to Pride to protest and Reg is delighted to have someone to fight with.

More from the tags, I love all of you


One of my dog's favourite games is "Chase." Rather than set down his toy so I can throw it for him, he instead bounds and frolics around me until I "chase" him. He loves this game, and he often "lets" me win when he wants the toy thrown again.

So imagine a monstrous creature that lives in the woods that border your house. It's been alone its whole life, knowing that every manner of animal and insect cowers and freezes when it approaches.

For weeks it watches you play with your dog in the garden. You both seem to be having such fun, and when the game is done you and your dog cuddle and kiss each other. Physical affection. Something this monster has never had.

It watches from the treeline as you say things like, "I see you hiding there!" And "here I come!" And "I'm comin' to getcha!" All while your dog bounces and trots away from you, until you inevitably catch him and he rewards you with puppy kisses.

It watches and thinks, here are two creatures, different in size and species, and yet they love each other so much. You are bigger than your dog, physically different, yet your dog adores you.

It watches and thinks, I am bigger and different than them, but perhaps I could be loved and kissed, too.

All it needs to do, it imagines, is play the same game. It practices making the sounds until it has them right. It can't wait to impress you. It can't wait to win your heart. It just has to play the game and say the right words.

I see you there. I'm coming to get you. Here I come.


Like to charge and reblog to cast Chinese scientists destroying the Insulin industry

Here’s a link with more details! They got an insulin dependent patient medication free in just 11 weeks using a cell transplant! It’s still very early and needs a lot more testing to see if they can replicate the results, but having success in a human is very promising!

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