
a common method for making mice mentally ill

@coldwind-shiningstars / coldwind-shiningstars.tumblr.com

Novy, they/them or it/its, small and confused |Avatar ID: A drawing of white person with curly reddish hair wearing a yellow spider themed suit and sitting in a many legged wheelchair. Drawn by Lore @codenamexy! Header is a disabled parking place plaquard that was vandalized to read "king of disabled badgers only." | Voted most likely to be good at organ harvesting| Possibly a star person, possibly a vole, most definitely a cryptid | @litbynosun on AO3 | Hire Me to Do Science! I'm Queer And Disabled! | On my twentieth birthday I was told that sometimes talking to me is like reading Homestuck and I'll probably never get over it.

I have thirty AO3 Fics! 🎉🎉 I wanted to do a little celebration or just a post about the ones I'm particularly proud of, since altho some of my fics are very old I'm still happy to have thirty of them up. This is organized loosely by fandom

Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia:

A Hand For Every Kind Of Touch, T, Aizawa & Tsuyu, Tsuyu/Uraraka. A Post-USJ exploration of Tsuyu and trauma, and also about Eldest Daughter Complexes. Some thoughts on quirks.

Such a Thing as "Day," M, qpp Aizawa/Yagi and qpp Aizawa/Mic. About Toshinori coming to terms with his body and relationships as a disabled queer man, and about the ways people can fit together in ways beyond "traditional" relationships. Trans Aizawa. Lots of discussion of chronic illness and chronic pain, especially as an aquired and traumatic experience.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Magia Record: PMMM Side story:

lord, what can the harvest hope for?: M, Homura/Madoka. Codependency, obsession, and love for someone who keeps forgetting you. Disability talk. Knowing your relationship is unhealthy but being unable to let it go.

The Coals Went So Wild: M, Momoko/Mitama. About king and lionheart dynamics, canon-typical Mitama Manipulation, also Buff Momoko Agenda. Sex, but not too explicit. "Momoko, you're going to have to protect me for the rest of your life."

The Adventure Zone: Balance

I Could Not See To See: M, reaper squad, the taakitz-blupjeans household, etc. This one is... Extremely My Brand. Disability/chronic illness, worldbuilding on how being dead but Present works, mad and unethical science, linguistic drift. What does it mean to continue to exist hundreds of years after your death?

Flame Imperishable: T, Angus & everyone. Technically this one is unfinished but I WILL be adding a third chapter Soon. Angus and his family, over candlenights. Signifcantly lighter option than most of these other fics.

Mo Dao Zu Shi:

The Shapes A Bright Container Can Contain: M, Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, Sizhui & Wen Ning. Now finished! A Casefic: Wei Wuxian and his family solve a haunting. Chronic illness, neurodivergence, coming back to life after losing over a decade.

Lan Jingyi and the Adventure of the Immortal Cultivator: T, Juniors Squad, Xie Lian. TGCF crossover!! Another pretty light hearted one, altho Xie Lian does get canon-typical Significant Injuries. Jingyi is very anxious about this new addition to his friend group...

Tian Guan Ci Fu:

No Mourners, No Funerals: M, He Xuan/Hua Cheng, but hualian and beefleaf play significant roles. The roles bodies play when you're trans and dead. Proxy sex, Demon Weirdness, canon typical violence. Illustrated!!

de viento y de sal: T, Shi Qingxuan/He Xuan. Postcanon. He Xuan visits Shi Qingxuan. They have a conversation that doesn't go very well.


how exhilarating must it be to be predated upon by a breaching predator. like you’re swimming chilling minding ur own business and then. fucking blammo. a great white or perhaps a killer whale slams into you from below. you’re going to die. you know you’re going to die in the few milliseconds after the impact but before your soul passes you’re ripped from your realm and into the sky, maybe as high as a dozen feet, bathed in the harsh air and wind and sounds and smells of a world that has lived above you your entire life yet you’ve never been able to touch, should never be able to touch, would never be able to touch except for instances just like this, where its one of the last things that happens to your conscious body. do you think that, amidst the adrenaline-filled panic, there is some modicum of wonder and exhilaration underneath? some appreciation of the fact that they are seeing something few other of their surviving peers ever will? i mean probably not they got literal fish brains. fish are dumb as fuck, i think. probably all they’re really thinking is “OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK” and then they get eaten and die. and i don’t blame them. but maybe there’s a real smart fish out there. a gentle soul. who does unfortunately find their brutal end by way of a breaching creature. maybe this smart, well-read fish is ripped into the air and understands. they get it. they get the enormity of the universe and the beauty of their minuscule place within. and as they are ripped and torn and shredded by uncaring teeth there is some thought underneath their nervous system’s final throes: That Was Awesomd


The Global Oarfish Council's updated Priority Open Questions of oarfish mysteries

There is so much that we (as a species) have yet to learn about oarfish (as three species). Here are our current most important open questions:

Social behavior

  • How does the oarfish find mates?
  • Does the oarfish have other social interactions with fellow oarfish?

Survival behavior

  • Can an oarfish swimming near the shore return to its regular habitat, or is this usually the start of a death sentence?
  • How does the oarfish catch enough krill to sustain itself, given that it is not especially motile?


  • Under what circumstances does the oarfish autotomize its tail?
  • Does this occur at specific points?
  • If there is more than one possible point of autotomy, can the oarfish do this multiple times?
  • Are the evolutionary roots of oarfish autotomy the same as those for, say, lizards?


  • What is the true longest recorded oarfish?
  • What is the evolutionary benefit to the oarfish of being long?

Learn more at our website.


Saw that post about transmascs and how ppl need to talk more about vaginal atrophy and how it's easily treatable with estrogen cream without affecting your HRT and it got me thinking about how none of us transfems seem to talk about dick atrophy either and how it's also easily treatable with topical testosterone cream provided you're not taking a T blocker (so on a GnRH agonist, estradiol monotherapy, or have had bottom surgery). Without T you don't get that passive tissue maintenance so unless you want to get hard every other day for the rest of your life to keep it healthy you're kinda screwed and erections can become really painful, let alone the change in length/shape. So yeah ask about topical testosterone.


daily sildenafil and tadalafil are also good options afaik. working well for me anyway tho idk exactly what the effect on total T levels are. tho it should be noted that topical cream does actually affect your levels a bit, it's just far lower dose than your actual primary HRT so it doesn't necessarily like ruin the effects or raise your E/T levels enough to be an issue. prob a good idea to get your levels checked after using any of these options for at least a month to make sure your levels are all still in target range and make adjustments as necessary. also goes without saying but please masturbate a lot regardless of whether or not you are using these options, it's good for you and will help prevent atrophy to a degree all by itself!

I hope I’m not derailing since this post was started for transfems but I’m worried about those on T in the tags who are asking if masturbation is enough to prevent vulva atrophy and the answer is… no. Not sure why, but it is different with the vulva than penises. Make sure you get estrogen cream as soon as you start feeling discomfort or pain. Its possible it could turn into chronic pain called vulvodynia, and it sucks, but early treatment can prevent it.

I’m not sure if there’s a similar condition for penises where atrophy pain is constant (as opposed to just with erections), but if you’re feeling unexplained pain in the genital region after starting/being on HRT (or birth control, or anything that affects hormone levels) its possible that you’re experiencing atrophy. It causes shrinkage in any genitalia, so that’s usually one of the more observable ways it occurs.

As far as I know atrophy on its own may not cause (consistent) chronic pain as there’s a sizeable amount of people on HRT without it, so there’s no need to panic - it’s just something you gotta know the signs for. It can still feel a bit uncomfortable even without pain, so if it impedes with your baseline comfort level you should get it looked at!

You're not derailing at all we're a community and this is important info for everyone c:


i remembered i can just make insane posts so in my head traffic cleo is absolutely a smoker and in the (probably inaccurate) vision in my mind this is how it would go if she invited and of the other traffic gals to smoke with her it would go like this

if cleo offered lizzie a cigarette i think it would send lizzie into like a death note internal monologue where she tries to figure out if cleo actually wants her to take one or not and untimely decides that cleo doesn't want her to take one so she takes one as a power move. and then she smokes it really badly and coughs and coughs while desperately trying to come off as cool (cleo was offering her one in the hopes that this would happen)

if cleo offered gem a cigarette gem would passive aggressively remind them of the heath risks and deny one for herself, clearly trying to position herself as morally and physically above cleo in order to gain control of the situation. and cleo would get turned on a bit by what a bitch she is

if cleo offered pearl a cigarette pearl would take it and put it in her mouth and chew on it and swallow it and then be like 'that doesn't taste very good cleo :( why do you like them' and cleo would be like 'its and acquired taste i guess' because she cant tell if pearl is purposely doing this as a bit to make her uncomfortable or possibly make her laugh of if she's just stupid but cleos not going to let her win regardless

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