
these fields of echoes

@lorienfae / lorienfae.tumblr.com

I search for sentiment in the maze-like ripples of water, a rain-fueled ennui tickling consciousness... or is it, heart? Water, a traveler, a storyteller, carries its mysteries in the palms of its aqueous hands — holding them out, as if imploring for my soul to partake, like a thirsty wanderer, to satiate my very self. I listen to it sing, in its downpour timbre. I listen and decide each note it exudes is sentiment all in itself, not a labyrinth to wade through, but solace dripping.

© Anna S. 2025

Your hands... eloquent, they could tell me yarns and sagas of ancient mariners and unruly kraken, all in the canvas of skin — this shelter that served me all these years. Humanity... humility... a sense unsensed through fidgeting aura of time while breath

is kept sancrosanct.

We are more than husks, we burn embers of something amorphous and metamorphosing in layers of being — something called love.

I journey. You journey. We wade across essence, this extant something called life, and this strange infinity leaves me pondering

what your hands could tell me.

© Anna S. 2025

Solitude is inconsolable sometimes in its solace, adrift in the passing time like a lone ship;

a soul in a desolation of clockwork deserts tick-tocking in penance — for what? Daring

to feel? Love? Dream that you are walking towards me through the beingness? A wanton notion that we are

soluble in each other's wanting heart, arms — becoming beacons

pulsing an answer — not alone, not anymore, we reach and the currents only bear us closer.

© Anna S. 2025

Will you be my hero in the sanctity of this being?

                                I wonder...

the wind, boisterous, unrestrained, flagellates the silence...

                a waxing moon and a dusk thought, a pendular existence...

                                waves rise and fall          like solace

and like breath.

© Anna S. 2025

Love is like an amber flame, flickering in the unknown, it licks at the chilled evening hours depicted in an empty pillow beside me

and I reach for the sage thought of it, for the certainty of its sacred existence and path it weaves toward me, around me,

and I mellow the fallow fields of solitude with thought seeds and senses that shift shape

into being,

seen or not, still being as is meant,

and I let go and let the current bear me in its welcome arms

where needed, where meant,

where love flickers.

© Anna S. 2025 // Of Love and Such Things

Etheric scriptures, feathery, an owl lingers in space liminal, akin in flight

— one can't focus on contours, blurred reality, turns and shifts that wield a mighty hammer;

a log that tells tales: tell me what you saw?

Echoes waft as Mount Si watches in silence,

but the owls are not what we think them,

even the shoelaces loop as infinite questions in this wonderful strangeness,

and the wind creaks among the pines.

© Anna S. 2025


that falls like dusk over the murmuring sea, gentle hands swept over waiting shoulders, 


to the echoes in each wave, each eternal minute patterned upon the surface…

if only we could remember the way our wings once whispered in the briny air, yet

the memories are draped in verdigris now, ribboned in kelp and murky depths

oxidizing away under all the layers

of thought. Oxidizing like Cthulhu in his saturnine slumber.

Old truths or new wonders, maybe hearts were written into being so we wouldn't turn driftwood in an infinite void and learn to breathe,

learn to see what the whales mean

when they sing.

© Anna S. 2025 / wrote this at tonight's local writers circle meeting

The marshes echo in sway, turbulence evident in the gray heaviness and pallor of the sky,

it is the burden of time that flays the skin of memory,

scattering ashes

the ones we weave into breath itself — a howl of rising wind and something else, reverberating as revolution

this pendulum self wrapped around life, extant in motion

and the hum of ventricles beating as wings through the mist and the splash of weary tide against the hull of our souls

but can we let go of the moorings?

fading polaroids we hope to savor yet the flavor left is melancholia and we have become lost

in pareidolia.

© Anna S. 2025


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