
Ratan my gentle, handsome man. My beloved.

@somin-yin / somin-yin.tumblr.com

Early 20s | Taken | Just a physics major hyperfixated on fictional characters
Saraswati romance >

I'm living for all this forbidden angsty dark murderous wives trope, I'm telling you! and what better way to start pride month but with dark sapphic romance asdfghjkl ❤️

"Sometimes I feel as if someone else lives inside my body" Alexa play Oshiete Oshiete 😂 (those are literally the lyrics of that song XD) okay let's get serious again (in all seriousness the lyrics fit tho 😂 okay okay I'll stop)

I don't mind, I like my women dangerous and deranged 🤷‍♀️

HHHHHHHHH seriously living for this trope of "I'm too dangerous for you so I have to get away" sorry I'm crazy

"I'll care just as much about the darkest possible side of you. Just don't hide it from me" That's so intense and intimate and true love is acceptance so that's true love my honour ❤️

This is giving me serious "I can fix her" vibes and I'm all here for that 😂

Listen, I support women's rights but above all, I support women's wrongs and I can't help but liking my women insane so this is definitely my jam 🤷‍♀️😂

And the cherry on top is Devi potentially becoming just as dark and murderous as Sara so they can be dark murderous deranged wives together hhhhh how delicious ❤️ to say I'm invested would be an understatement!

Kay's ending ❤️

The way they kept playing with my mind the whole chapter!! I almost had a meltdown! First when Lou ran away and the credits appeared- then when Lou came back and Kay made it sound as if he had someone else already- WHAT KIND OF MIND GAMES ARE THESE?!? It was a roller-coaster but everything turned out to be domesticly sweet and I'm thankful for that -le sigh-

HHHHHHHHHH because true love is when you feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable, to show your true essence, to be completely yourself with someone else (speaking from experience again, this Jester really be spying on my S.O. and I) hhhhh this is true love your honour ❤️

Not going to lie, I wasn't a fan of the baby part because Lou doesn't seem to have much of a mother instinct but she's right, Kay is so dad material 🤷‍♀️ also:

ASDFGHJKL Lou- control yourself girl! 😂

On another note, since they have a baby now, I seriously headcanon Kay singing this to the baby at nighttime:

No one can tell me that's not canon, sorry I don't make the rules 🤷‍♀️ and a couple of years later they'll have a baby girl and Kay will sing "Goodnight my angel" by Billy Joel to her asdfghjkl okay I'll stop now or else I'll keep making Kay + lullabies headcanons 😂

And finally, the only achievement I've ever cared about:

This sweet pixel boy who reminds me of my S.O. has gained a special place in my heart, I'm definitely going to miss him ❤️


Okay but the real question is


Interesting to see most voters would use it

I bet you chose option 1, @somin-yin.

Actually, the second one, ultimately, it was the god complex what led to Light's downfall. Imagine all he could have achieved if he had only focused on cleaning the world without needing to announce that there was a Kira 🤷‍♀️

Yagami Light without God complex wouldn't be Yagami Light however... The option 2 also works for Light kinnies cause the intention is the same, just saying... I'm like 90% 10% sure now.

*le sigh*

My top 4 completed RC stories ❤️

Thank you for tagging me @justanotherrcblog and @samissobsessed (I know, I know, it took me ages but better late than never 😂)

Honourable mention to GC, VV and THE ❤️ apparently Psi is completed already but I haven't played the finale yet so I'm not considering it yet (gosh I need to catch up!), but probably if I had play it already, Psi would take LOTW's place 🤷‍♀️😂

Tagging: This is from a month ago so I'm not sure if the people I'm tagging have already done it or not but I'm still tagging them anyway, if you guys did it already feel free to disregard this 😂 @beware-of-the-year-2181 @a-cloud-for-dreams @saskieenkeli @evthys @queendideo @nunah @annebardot-sl @mostlymobilegames @treasure-seeking-elf

@justanotherrcblog I finished Psi and yes, it definitely replaced LOTW in my top 4, so now my updated top 4 completed RC stories would be:

Honourable mentions to GC, VV, THE and LOTW ❤️


It's been hours since I discovered that this exists and yet it still feels so surreal. L felt such huge anguish that his heart was aching inside his chest at failing to save Maki from being kidnapped and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is "Light... It hurts. My heart—" and honestly, I felt like being punched repeatedly on the gut because this is honestly... *breathes* I am in awe and in disbelief because why would L speak Light's name like this, when Light was the reason why he's dying now?? Why would he confide in him, when Light had only shown him fakeness and lies since they met. It's so easy to think of all the evil things Light had done to him yet L doesn't think of any of those things.

He wasn't even thinking in this scene because all he can register is how his heart hurts and that it was telling him to speak Light Yagami's name, no matter how absurd, how silly, or how pathetic it seems. Because like Light, people NEVER sought him beyond the great detective L. No one bothered to know him beyond the gothic letter on their screens. Which honestly, isn't their fault because L kept them at arm's length.

But somehow, someone forced L's arm to minimize that distance and he's left with Light and his deceptive yet all-knowing eyes that managed to understand L. And it's so effin funny that a twisted individual like Light was the only person to actually see beneath the iceberg that is L. The one that caused his demise. It's so sick and ironic that Light is the one person who L thinks can understand his pain. He didn't think of Watari, his father-figure.

He thought of Light. Because at this place, at this point, he knew no one would understand his pain, his ideals, his everything, the way they didn't understand Light and his twisted sense of justice and his genuine distaste for the judicial system and how childish his black-and-white morality is EXCEPT L himself.

He called Light's name because deep down he knew, only Light would be able to understand the pressure and the lies the facade he'd been wearing all this time.

It's honestly insane how these two has something worse than romance, and that no matter what universe, no one really wins because all that is left of the other is the empty, shallow void caused by the other person's non-existence.

Lawlight, you both got some toxic codependent sht and honestly i'm here for it.


No because the novel actually drives me so fucking insane. L and his Gay Mourning Watch Shenanigans, it's Crazy. (Spoilers for parts of L Change the WorLd and the Movie Series I guess?)

This is a few days after Light dies iirc. This honestly reminds me of Episode 26 of the anime tbh. When Light is going through the motions after L's death. Taking L's place, moving in with Misa, looking off to the side and still seeing L without any catchlights drawn in his eyes. It feels like the Same Thing here. When he or L defeat the other there's nothing left. They're unrivaled, they were the only ones who understood each other and hardly had even had to say a thing to understand that, and now one of them is gone, and it's going to stay that way probably forever. I feel like L in the novel is more understanding and aware of these fact than Light allows himself to be in canon but God does it kill me dead.

The fucking watch. Oh my God the Fucking Watch. It shattered and was basically shot off Light's wrist in his failed last ditch effort to kill someone in the movie and L keeps it. Despite the fact that it's broken and was probably bloody he keeps it and wears it and looks at it constantly in the novel. And it's not even like a trophy or anything, proof that he won. Rather it's in remembrance, it's a memento, he Burned the Death Notes but keeps Light's watch— the thing that he tried to use to conceal a piece of the Death Note and Murder with in his final moments —with him and carries it and Light's memory around with him everywhere for his final days. It drives me up the wall. Because Why. Why does he Care when he Should have No reason to. Light takes everything L has left after he dies in canon, his name, his title, his legacy, and he was going to take his successors next. But L keeps Light's watch, even if it's of no use to him. Even if it's just a scrap of metal, another weapon of the worst mass murderer in history, he wears it on his wrist in remembrance. It's insane. L why would you do this ever (I know why it just makes me die)

Like?? L has No reason to still be referring to Light as his only friend like that. Yes, nobody knows he's talking about Kira, yes, he doesn't tell Maki directly that the only friend he is talking about is Kira, but still, he was just talking about how he stopped his mass killings, they were talking about how he lived and died as a bad person and never really saw that what he did was wrong (which is backed up by the movie, where Light dies in his father's arms looking for the validation that he was right). And fucking yet, in that moment L Still remembers and thinks of Light as a friend, mourns him for it, and still calls him his only friend out loud. Even though he was just speaking with Maki about every reason why he Shouldn't be. Why does he Care. He breaks away from his usual aloofess to smile sadly, to admit defeat, to fucking. Slam his fist on the ground and scream (to be fair that one was over other factors too) over the thought of Light. I'm sooooooo buries head in hands

And on his last day alive he Still decides to visit and pay his respects to Light, like what the fuck man. He's the reason L is dying, he wouldn't have ended up on this death timer if it weren't for Light. He has No reason to care, but he Does and it drives me Insane. He knows Light understood and in every universe and adaptation after one dies the other has little left to do after but die (Novel, Jdrama, Musical, etc etc etc) and it Sucks. They Suck. You know this novel isn't even about L and Light whatsoever there's an entire plot of its own going on and yet they take these moments of pause, even if it's like half a sentence long where L reminisces over Light and for What. There's no plot-related, logical reason. Light Yagami and Kira are dead and irrelevant to the world now, and the whole world knows, but L still remembers, and it's so painfully sincere for a man who did little more than destroy everything he touched. And for What.

Good fucking riddance /j

Prev tags so true. Two of the worst soulmates to have ever (dis)graced the earth. They are both the moth and the flame to each other. They suck. This novel drives me insane. Why is L like that. Why does he Care when Light sure as hell didn't (or at least that's what he would say), why are They Like That. Thank you L Change the WorLd novel you ruined my life. Thank you op for re-activating my brain worms (/neg)


L, you have poor tastes in men, liking that one person who spelled your doom / j.

Kidding aside, I love how you mentioned that Light took everything from him in the anime. It's literally him removing L's hold, removing the chains and influence that L stuck him with, by replacing L's entire existence with his own. Yet he fails, because no matter he does, no matter what he thinks, no matter how much he avoids thinking about him, he can never forget. Because NO ONE will replace L in his world.

And then in the light novel, we have L PURPOSEFULLY remembering Light. How he wore his broken wristwatch not just as a memento but also a reminder that their fates will always be intertwined with one another. L held onto the invisible chain between them by wearing the metallic watch on his hand, and he welcomes Light's presence in his mind with understanding and longing and even protectiveness.

It's such a good and cruel irony because they're so freaking alike, yet somehow still so different. Lawlight, you will end me.


I enjoy how Light wants L to worship him like a God, but when he gets such treatment from others, he seems... dissatisfied-disintrested-bored. His family, lovers, friends, and teachers all fawn over him, but he never seems to care.

But when he's able to get under L's skin, when he's able to surprise, when he's complimented or insulted... Light seems real. He behaves like a real person. Like L's opinion-approval-love is the only one he wants.

Then, what's the purpose of being God? What is the reason for wanting to be worshipped by everybody who matters nothing to you? Why hate the only one who truly sees you?


Oh?! 🥲

Thank you for tagging me @tammyisobsessedwith 🫶🏼🥹💗

Take the cosmos persona test here

Tagging: @byeh0e @codename-mango @fanartbylola @libelle949 @ozais-lobotomist @mycatsoundslikechewbacca @reneedenoailles (and anyone else who’d like to participate 💕)

i got the same !

tagging ; @celticwoman @annn-starrr @theo-avery @littlee-sparkle @haitianempress @rosesandpearlss @a-cloud-for-dreams @renninflight @sonofenki

Omg it seemed interesting af and i tried it (even though i am not tagged)

The results sound very much like my mbti lol.


Ohhh I'm obsessed with space stuff so thank you big time for tagging me @samissobsessed!! this is by far one of my faves ❤️ Are you ENTJ/INTJ? Because that sounds like it :0 Here are my results!


@oatflatwhite thanks for tagging me!! seems like we might have similar glasses! and i love the headphones -- got any music recommendations for me?

tagging @ladylamrian, @aces-and-angels, @reneedenoailles, @herenya-writes, @shesaysdisco, @liviusofpella, @missangorian, @stripesysheaven, @gaylicense, @chromatographic, @fireladybuckley, @thefirstaidkit, @angelasscribbles, @niccage, @mila-bee, if you want. and anyone else who wants to make a picrew! (really really! i would love to see y'all's lovely faces!)


Thank you for tagging me @samissobsessed, this is one of the most customizable picrews I've made so I really had fun making it! ❤️ this is me and my resting bitch face 😂 (I'm glad that it's truly giving those RBF vibes because those are the vibes I apparently give off 🤷‍♀️)

My top 4 completed RC stories ❤️

Thank you for tagging me @justanotherrcblog and @samissobsessed (I know, I know, it took me ages but better late than never 😂)

Honourable mention to GC, VV and THE ❤️ apparently Psi is completed already but I haven't played the finale yet so I'm not considering it yet (gosh I need to catch up!), but probably if I had play it already, Psi would take LOTW's place 🤷‍♀️😂

Tagging: This is from a month ago so I'm not sure if the people I'm tagging have already done it or not but I'm still tagging them anyway, if you guys did it already feel free to disregard this 😂 @beware-of-the-year-2181 @a-cloud-for-dreams @saskieenkeli @evthys @queendideo @nunah @annebardot-sl @mostlymobilegames @treasure-seeking-elf

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