
Idrelle Games

@idrellegames / idrellegames.tumblr.com

Development blog for the interactive fiction game Wayfarer.
Marked by complete magical immunity, Wayfarers wander the world, fighting magic. Where will your choices lead you?



The Game

Wayfarer is a dark fantasy interactive fiction game. You play as a Wayfarer, a member of an order of warriors born with magical immunity in a world dominated by magic. It is currently in development and releases episodically. The full game will include three acts and a total of 15 episodes.

The Story

When your mercenary work backs you into a corner, you take the only option available and accept a contract: to travel to the city of Velantis and steal an ancient artifact said to be blessed by the gods. Simple, right?

But Velantis holds more than you bargained for. Gathering a ragtag party of malcontents and renegades from across the city, you must navigate enemy factions, meddling guilds, and escalating political tensions. Your choices will ultimately determine the city’s fate – and the fate of every person who lives there.

Anonymous asked:

Are we allowed to start as friends for all Ros?

Companion approval runs on a scale of 1 to 100. All companion approval starts at 50. Aeran is the exception as the MC has a prior relationship with him and you can decide how that friendship has turned out.

Your MC's relationship with their companions will shift throughout the course of the game. If you want to be friends with them, you will have to figure out how to do that organically.

Romance works similarly to approval, but as there are characters who aren't companions who are romanceable, their scales work a little differently. But a similar principle applies--relationships aren't something freely given, they are something that is earned.


If you're a Wayfarer 2023-2024 calendar artist who messaged me on anon, could you please message me again either off anon or with your username so I can email you? Thank you! 💖


I’m just starting my twine journey. Your blog came up in google searches of trying to put UI and text links over image maps making me feel like I’m starting in the right direction again.

Thank you.


You're welcome!

I don't really do Twine guides anymore (I do miss it, I just don't have time) and my resources may be out-of-date, but they should still be functional for the foreseeable future. I'm glad they helped! 💖

Anonymous asked:

It's been a bit since I've played so I will definitely need to redo. It may be spoiler but is there a walkthrough or something on how to meet the conditions to romance Aeran?

Romancing Aeran is a bit of a tricky topic since there's many variations of what that may entail. Here are a few different guides for his high romance content (which is different from his low romance content):

Anonymous asked:

I remember you saying you used an excel sheet to keep track of your variables. Can we get a glimpse. I'm just so curious of how extensive it must be.

Sure! It looks something like this:

And a bit from further down the page:

Green variables are ones that will or may be referenced in later episodes, red ones are episode-specific (usually used for controlling singular moments/events) and are unset at the end of episode 2. Yellow is "this is specialized and I keep fucking it up, so I'm making it another colour so it stands out". 😂

I'm sure there are better ways of doing this, but I'm the only one coding so it only needs to make sense to me!

Anonymous asked:

I love your writing your world building etc. To know that dragon age was inspirational makes me enjoy it even more. (Have you heard that DAD (dragon age: dreadwolf) could possibly be releasing this year? I was wanting to know if you had a post that shared how to put the heart icon in choices? If you aren't answering code ?'s totally fine. Either way I look forward to reading more of Wayfarer!

I haven't really been following Dragon Age new for a few years now, sorry! I have no idea what's going on with DA:D. 😅

For adding icons to player choices in SugarCube, you may find these two tutorials helpful:

Anonymous asked:

I love so much about this game - the world building, the stars system, the descriptions, the variability. It's really really special.

I had a question about Aeran tho. I feel real sympathetic towards him and what he's been through but I have trouble taking him seriously as an RO because, honestly, at times, he feels almost emotionally abusive. The icing you out, the sudden anger spells, the need for the MC to do it his way or they're wrong. I can get with it being bad communication and the result of trauma to a certain extent but it just feels... A little above and beyond.

I totally respect that this is just my interpretation and I'm definitely not saying he's written wrong or anything like that. So, just for me to know if he's worth pursuing, are there plans for any growth on that front throughout his character arc? Or is this just "how he is"?

Once again, I really hope this doesn't come across as criticism, I'm definitely not trying to tell you how to write your story.

Thank you so much!!

So, with regards to Aeran...

...if you are picking up on red flags and weirdness with him...

It may be intentional.

And there may come a point where it all boils over.

And it might not be pretty.

He is also not an RO in the standard sense (neither is Veyer, for that matter - you can see the full list and all the complexities of it on the roster, just sort by "romances", Aeran's is under "conditional").

But what he is is an extremely broken and fucked up man, who has done some fucked up things, and is carrying the consequences of that every day of his life. Is he trying his best? Sometimes. Not always. Does the MC have patience for it? Depends on the MC. Is he worth pursuing romantically...? That is up for your MC to decide.

All of the characters will change and grow throughout the story (and even change and grow differently depending on how events unfold). Is he always going to be like this? Probably not. Is he like this for now...? Yes, because there hasn't been time for any major progress yet.

Anonymous asked:

If you agree to work for the count/pretend to agree, why does he still wanna kill Aeran? It seems he got what he wanted and killing Aeran would just anger his newly acquired asset?

Because it's about power.

Cere Nalos is a sadomasochist; he's going to emotionally manipulate and torture the people around him because it brings him great pleasure to do so. It's not just about getting what he wants from the MC, he knows Aeran is important to them (even if the MC doesn't outwardly like Aeran), they're two of the last Wayfarers, and he wants to see what his death would do the MC.

In the moment, flaunting his power over the MC--another act of proving that he had them in his grasp--was more important to him than letting Aeran go.

And as he kills for sport... well. Aeran and the MC putting up resistance wasn't the end of the world to him (until it was the end of the world to him since these actions lead to his death).

Anonymous asked:

can i say that i love how the diplomacy feels to play through in this? like, it feels like a push and pull. the balance between listening and speaking and how satisfying it is when i do it all right and get what i need out of people in the end. its so good i love it and i havent really played another game that feels quite like this

Thank you so much!!

The MC's relationships with different factions and the political side of Velantis is very important to the game, and this is exactly the feeling I was hoping for. It's not as simple as just picking between the obvious "good" option and the obvious "bad" option and keeping everyone happy, the MC needs to pay attention to what is being said and who is saying it, decide what they want out of the encounter or how they want to manipulate the situation in their favour (if that is even possible).

And often times there is going to be a balance between appeasing a faction, and doing the thing that keeps a friend or companion happy. Sometimes you might have to risk pissing someone off in order to get the end result you're looking for, and that is a specific choice.

Anonymous asked:

I hope I remember correctly that there is dialogue with Aedan about retiring in a farm with chickens or something. Plus there is also is a bet with Aedan where the winner gets to choose their next destination. If it isn’t my fever dream, how do we get to those scene?

So I DO remember both of these incidents, but I can't find the retirement plan dialogue in the game files. I know it's there, it's just vanished into the void.

To be fair to me, there is over 1 million words in the game, so it is easy for things to get lost.

The bet with Aeran occurs under the following circumstances:

  • Episode 1, Route B (accessible if you either go to Rat Alley OR if you decline Zenaida's offer if you go to the Docks)
  • Go to the Cove
  • Aeran's approval needs to be 40 or higher
  • Select "2. 'Oh, I'll bet, all right. But on something other than money." when he asks to bet with you

If you're looking for specific outcomes, the best place to ask is in the Wayfarer Discord server! There's a lot of variation in the game and asking other players can be very helpful if you want something specific.

Anonymous asked:

Do aeda have hollow bones cuz like birds have hollow bones to fly so logically they would or maybe since all aeda have magic they could use magic idk I’m just curious

I feel unqualified to answer this, I'm not an expert in animal biology. 😂 They fly because I say they can fly, sometimes for fantasy you need to close your eyes to the technicalities. 😌

Or maybe it is magic!!

Anonymous asked:

I hope this isn't rude to ask, since I genuinely enjoy both Wayfarer and the Dragon Age series, and I'm really just curious (Feel free to not answer this if it makes you uncomfortable!). While writing this story, was any of it inspired by Dragon Age? Specifically the grey wardens? The Wayfarers and the grey wardens/the templars sort of seem similar to me :o Hope you're well <3

Not at all!

It's not really a secret that Wayfarer started as a Dragon Age fan game. It's been an original work for much, much longer than it was a fan game and there aren't very many points of connection left (Aeran, Alexia, Ren, Calla were all DA OCs at one point if you want to be technical about it). The reason there are humans/elves/dwarves in Wayfarer are because Dragon Age has humans/elves/dwarves and I had already had portraits commissioned (see here, here, here and here if you're interested!). But BioWare games in general are a huge influence on my work and approach to gameplay (outside of D&D and a dash of Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy).

The Wayfarer Order didn't exist when I made the DA fan game (the MC was just a regular mercenary recruited by a shady organization; their employers would eventually become Malsara and Nova, and the shady organization would become the Order of Lethalis). But it does take some inspiration from the Grey Wardens, as well as Witchers and the Jedi Order.

To be honest, the Jedi Order probably has had the biggest influence on the Wayfarer Order because I am a perpetual Star Wars fan at heart.

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