
now with 20% more funny!


and yes, for the last time, this blog is for ALL systems.

Have you ever seen a post or been in a certain situation and thought, "This is funnier seeing it as a system?"

We have too!

And that's why we've put together this blog, meant for talking about experiences and reblogging posts that aren't necessarily about plurality, but that have the effect of an inside joke when thought about in relation to plurality. When something makes us or others go, "This is funnier when you're [thinking about it as] a system," we'll reblog it here!

I hope no one minds us tagging some other blogs in this introduction post (which, btw, may be edited in the future if the need arises) – @dear-systems, @endo-memes, @non-traumagenicsupport. These are other great system blogs who post similar content (occasionally or often, as the case may vary from blog to blog), so if you're looking for more, you may find it there.

Short system introduction and more about this blog under the cut. Welcome to this blog, we hope you'll enjoy your stay!

Anonymous asked:

i was apparently following you but i have no memory of doing so and i'm not a system so i'm just gonna unfollow you now. (i also tagged you in a post once apparently but i dont rmember that) anyway bye

It's fine if singlets (non-systems) follow us; we don't mind! If you want to go, we won't make you stay, of course, but you don't have to unfollow just because you're not a system.

Whether you leave or stay, I hope you have a nice day! Bye, anon!


My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “Connecting With Others” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯

Me: wow! I feel connected to something bigger than myself! I love to know and be known!

5 minutes later: dude I fumbled that social situation so bad I swear they’re vagueing me online abt it rn

My inner critic, pacing: this is so bad. We have to kill ourselves.

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