
Whump of the Beloved and Brave

@painful-pooch / painful-pooch.tumblr.com

My name is Izzy (23 F), she/her. Lover of all kinds of whump, from Military/Team whump to Lady Whump! Loving other's characters/collabing is a passion. So let's have some fun together! If you want to join an 18+ whump discord server, hit me up in DMs

Earn My Screams

I have been far too excited to wait and so here is Chapter 3 of the Hostage Arc. I hope you guys like it! If you have any recommendations or ideas you want to see, my asks are open and I can maybe give a snippet to see if you like it hehe. Thank you all for your support and love!

Hostage Arc Chapters

CWs: military whump, war, gunshot wounds, blood, injury, use of crowbar, violence, interrogation whump , stress position, broken bones


Bruno finds himself hanging from the ceiling, the breath knocked out of him as cold water is thrown on him, causing him to thrash and sputter regardless of the pain. Even doing so, the chains rattle along with him, and his gasps echo in the interrogation room.

"You're up. Good. Maybe you'll actually answer something for once."

He notices he’s bandaged up where he was shot, though they didn’t give him anything for the pain. Like hell they would have anyways. He took so many of their soldiers for putting him in this predicament, he is surprised he isn’t more injured besides the killer headache making his head spin. 

"Why did you come here and what were your mission details?" The man asks, green eyes locked with his own.


Three themes that regularly appear in my stories:

- Dealing with extreme fear

- “I’d do anything to get rid of my curse”

- Emotional scars

Open tag for anyone who wants to hop on :)

- Duos who would die and kill for each other

- Guilt. Like so much guilt

- "Am I a monster?"

- chronic or permanent physical problems

- loss of consciousness

- uggos and weirdos (affectionate)

- Childhood trauma

- Bad parents (usually divorced)

- Powering through the pain (leading to collapse)

-Medicine/Medical scenes

-Self-sacrificing/self-neglectful whumpees

-Caretaker guilt/trauma

-Living Nightmares

-Abusive Leaders

-Stoic Whumpee/Team Leader with Heart


Gonna get put under later, so enjoy the idea of putting Whumpee under via anesthesia, Whumper counting down and holding the mask over their face. "It's just like a very quick dream, Whumpee. Don't worry. I'll be here."

*Nightmares are dreams, too. From one nightmare to the next.*

And Whumpee fighting in their restraints, feeling their body giving way as they grow weaker and finally see that sadistic gleam in Whumper's eyes before the darkness engulfs them.


Hello Izzy, I’m happy to see you and I’m sorry to know you are going through tough time. Please take a good care of yourself when you had the chance and I hope things get better for you soon. \(TT )✨

As for the ask game, I think would be fun to see Bruno react to or discuss his thoughts on this meme if I’m not too late-


Oh I think you will like this haha. Also thanks for this, fam. I have been holding onto this one for a minute, so please enjoy.


Bruno stares at his phone for far too long, peeking up to glance at his chuckling team. He half laughs, licking his bottom lip to keep his words in check, but he can't help himself. "So you all think I sit in some comfy chair all day while you all do the cool stuff? And the boots on the table?! When do I even do that? And I am surprised to see you few laughing since you guys are Air Force too!"

Lukas stretches and high fives Sebastian. "We got the old man. Bru Bru, you see, you are what we call ancient. You need to sit in a nice comfy chair and relax. Leave it to us younger peeps to get it done."

Sebastian is trying not to laugh, but they fail and slap at their own knee. "I mean you are going to be a Major. And you will be sleeping for a MAJORity of the time!"

Khrystyna holds her hands up in mock surrender. "Hey, I am just the enlisted one. I have no opinions besides knowing your old recliner in the sofa speaks volumes."

His jaw drops. Traitors. All of them. He rubs at his face and glares at Valdemar. "You put them up to this. My own Airmen, you Army weasel."

"Damn right I did. You with your rickety joints, chair, and coffee mug. We have got to send you to the farm, Old man," Valdemar bites back with his own playfulness.

Bruno stands up and narrows his eyes. "You are all going to pay for this little game. I promise you that. I AM NOT LAZY!" He stomps off into the living room and sees a brand new recliner with a red bow, a coffee mug on the seat that says World's Best Major, next to a certificate with his name and the golden oak leaf rank. "What's this?"

Miranda, Kieran, and Oscar are standing to the side, each of them smiling happily. Kieran doesn't usually say much, but he flips off the soon to be Major. "We were sick of hearing the thing squeaking when you took a fat nap."

Oscar holds out a chess piece, and upon closer inspection, he sees it's a King. "Long live the great Bru Bru," he murmurs, making eye contact for a few seconds before looking away. That... makes Bruno tear up and take the piece, running his thumb over the embossed figure.

"J-just because you guys are giving me these things doesn't mean I won't kick your asses later." He clears his throat and focuses on Miranda now, who comes up to him and tacks on a golden oak leaf to his collar.

"You can do that after your nap." Miranda pats his cheek and beckons to the chair, the others taking off the items and bow, leaving the man with no other option than to sit in the recliner. She forces it to lean back and Bruno groans a little, staring up at them all.

"So what if I like my comfy chairs. I like the good things in life. Do I not deserve it?" He asks, an eyebrow raised before closing his eyes. This... is nice... really nice.

The Marine woman ruffles his hair and rolls her eyes. "Sure you do, Chair Force. Lukas. Now."

Bruno hears a camera click, and his eyes snap open to Lukas holding a polaroid camera. "What. Was. That?"

"Uhm... Gramp's first nap?"

"Run. You all better run!" Bruno scrambles to get off the chair as the rest of the team darts in different directions to hide from him. Sure, he may fit the stereotype just a little, but he can absolutely take down anyone with his Chair Force ass.


Feeling Deadly; May Answer Asks

I looked at how many freaking asks I have, and I realize I have been neglecting my people. Regardless if they are still wanted, I am gonna try to finish a few of them because I am feeling a little like death. I have been on a liquid only diet now for a little bit and oh man... I am giving Bruno this. But that's a later thing. Hope you guys like what you see. <3


Did I already post something about a young recruit captured by enemies who are convinced they are a high-ranking official and treat them as such?

Should i do this and do a used as bait prompt for our whumpy savior @whumperofworlds


Which characters did you want to see?

Oscar, my autistic bby, as the bait!!! I wanna see him be protected by his team and show how much they love him ❤️

You got it! I'll be working on something <3


I Feel Like I Failed

I remember first joining the military because it meant something. It meant getting away from an abusive household, it meant being able to pay for an education I've always wanted (as someone who is the first in their family to graduate high-school, I wanted to set a precedent for my brothers), it meant upholding the constitution and protecting the people I love.

What happened to me over the years in the military was abuse and horrors that I wish I didn't have to know. I didn't think wanting to help people in the military meant turning away those that needed assistance or suddenly having to follow some new tyrannical order that didn't follow my morals. I went from an intelligence job that made me see the worst in people and go through torture training that still to this day gives me never-ending nightmares to a medical job, and I still feel like I haven’t done enough.

When military members come up to you and tell you they don't want to be around anymore because of the military and you try to get them help, your superiors will turn a cheek and say, "They are just overreacting. They'll figure out the military soon enough. Maybe they aren't meant to be in. Let's just kick them out and throw them to the wolves."

When I go through my own suffering, the first thing they try to do to me is place me inpatient, even though that would make things worse. When I explain to them that my job is to help others and I am denying them that help because there's a chain of command, they say that's just how it is. Well... to all of them, fuck you.

I'm getting medically retired for PTSD, MDD, and Anxiety. They say I'll get better, but they don't know what really goes on. I'm failing the people I want to protect because they won't promote the good people. They promote the people that are corrupt and then wonder why the junior enlisted don't trust their leadership. They wonder why I don't tell them what happens in my head. I feel like a failure for not protecting the rights of the people being oppressed like I swore to when I first joined.

I'm sorry for not doing enough and I can't wait to get out and pursue a noble career in something that gives my life meaning. Sorry for the partial vent... I have been holding onto this for over 6 years.


A Trigger Unleashed

Hey guys! It's been a minute haha. I finally found some writer's juice and wrote part two of @ocean-blue-whump and I's collab: From Tyrant to Martyr. This was definitely an idea sparked by @whumpninja and @whumperofworlds that I wanted to do.

Part 1: The Start

@i-eat-worlds I thought you'd enjoy a Kieran moment in this, so here's your tag.

Hope you guys like it!

TW: military whump, ptsd, violence, stoic whumpee, missing whumpee, team leader gone mad, team whump


"This is going to be easier than anything you've done, kid. I promise. We'll be back for dinner, and I'll even toss in dessert."

"You sure about that, old man? I have to work with Kieran of all people. You know he's an asshole and doesn't want me on the team."

"I promise he will warm up to you eventually. It'll be in and out. Just stand watch with him and be his spotter. You can't get farther away from the real danger than that."

"I'm not fragile..."

"No, you're not fragile by any means, but we have our orders and we will execute them as need be. Next mission, I'll make sure you're in on the breaching team so you can get some experience. Now rest up. You got a big day tomorrow."


Have another absurdly specific prompt, on the house!

The team just can’t understand why Leader has to be so uptight all the time. They never loosen up. When anyone makes a single mistake, Leader scolds them for it, even if it’s a small thing that won’t make any difference in the end. It’s frustrating, how Leader can’t let even tiny errors go!

What the team doesn’t know- or maybe they find out somehow- is that the higher-ups blame, and punish, Leader for every single one of their team’s mistakes. They’re the one in charge, after all. It’s their fault, isn’t it?

Absolutely that's Kane. I've thought of writing a small blurb even of Kane hurting Bruno because of a mistake Khrystyna made or something like that. It would be so whumpy and sad!!!


The Start

The first installment of @painful-pooch and I's collab: From Tyrant to Martyr! I hope y'all enjoy Marlow getting captured after a mission.

TW: lady whump, pet whump (non-BBU; mainly collars/puppy as a name), noncon (not explicit), minors dni!


Marlow doesn’t know what happened. She’s been drugged and drugged and drugged, transported in wooden and metal crates until one final needle entered her neck and she fell into an uneasy slumber. She never liked waking up in strange places. Her mouth is bone dry and her vision is blurry until she can manage to blink it clear…and she wishes she didn’t.

I hope you guys like it! It's explicit, dark, and so much fun! Soon we'll give more background into all of this interesting timeline, but at the very least, thank you, Blue, for being an amazing writer and I hope others can see it for themselves!


Three days until the start of @painful-pooch and I's collab! If anyone wants, you can see Marlow here and Izzy's characters here in preparation!

Oh man. This is intense. I am excited for this! I made some OCs for this adventure, so I hope people are ready to see more military bbs come to life!



@painful-pooch and I are happy to announce that we're doing a collab! The series will be based on a kidnapped woman and the military team trying to find her. General TWs will be noncon, gore, trafficking, military, trauma. There will be a hurt/comfort ending, don't worry! More info will come with the first post.

We plan to start posting twice a week, Sundays and Wednesdays at 10am EST, starting on February 5th. We hope to see you there, and if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know!

I am so excited! This is gonna help my mental health and I can't wait to show you guys the babies. Of course Bruno will be there, but we will make him hurt don't worry! Hope you guys enjoy <3

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