

@inkwell1013 / inkwell1013.tumblr.com

She/her | Same username on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net | Multi fandom blog | Mostly fandom stuff but sometimes I reblog random stuff I think is cool | Main fandoms include Good Omens, Sherlock and Persona 5 | Into WAY too many fandoms | All writing is tagged with #inkwell writes | Requests are open!

Masterlists & Fic Adverisement

My main project right now is Second Chance, my P5R Arcana swap AU, featuring Fool!Ryuji. This fic also has an ask blog where you can ask characters questions, get chapter updates and see character moodboards.

I also write for the Siblings Verse with @mushroomfusion245. The Siblings Verse is an AU where everyone is found family. Things can get a little hectic, but everyone loves each other deeply, like a family should.

Since I’m such a huge fan of Legally Blonde, me and @thebigpapilio are writing a Lawyer!Ann AU called Legally (and Scientifically) Blonde, heavily inspired by the classic movie. 

Finally I’m writing Gynopanspermia with both @mushroomfusion245 and @thebigpapilio, which is an Alien!Ann AU!


I'm golden-child!Jason and not-even-a-silver-egg!Dick truther for life, and that's so funny.

Bruce is used to the chaos he calls his son, so when Jason actually behave, Bruce is soooo confused.

Like, what do you mean Bruce can tell him to not do something and Jason will??? Obey??? The order??? Dick would never.

Bruce, fully prepared for scandal: You are not allowed to jump from one wardrobe to another, it's dangerous for you.

Little Jason, who has no idea why he should: Ok? I wasn't planning to anyway.

Confused Bruce: You wasn't?

Little Jason who are scared to touch anything here, because it probably costs more than his life: I don't want to ruin the mansion...

More Confused Bruce: You don't?!


Bruce: so, you are saying that if I tell you to sit in your room and read books, you will really sit in your room and read books?

Little Jason, who has no idea why he shouldn't: Yeah?

Bruce, whispering to Alfred: I didn't know they could do that.


“Bruce wouldn’t call his kids any cutesy nicknames y’all are cringe” first of all Bruce canonically refers to children as “honey” and “sweetheart” as BATMAN, so, close your mouth, monster breath

Second of all, Thomas Wayne called him everything from “Bunny, honey, sweetheart, baby, bambino, sweetie” to “Gumdrop, honeybee, amore, babe, “ and you can die trying to take it away from me


Despite what you may have heard Bruce Wayne is not, in fact, a furry.

He is, however, very opinionated.


jayroy au where they’re sleeping in the same bed and they have a joint bank account and they kiss each other good night and because Jason has never had a close friend before and also genuinely does not see the point in distinguishing romantic love from platonic love he thinks it’s casual normal bro behavior and Roy is just going along with it until an outsider witnesses the antics and is like “so how long have you two been dating”


when you find a fanfic writer whose work just sings to you… i would read anything you write…. i would wade into a tag no matter how deranged… i would travel to the ends of the earth for you if only to soothe your little oyster shell just so you would be comfortable enough to make another pearl whenever you felt like it … i would love you tenderly and support you as you carefully place every grain of sand onto your little castle, regardless of how long it takes, if only to enjoy your words just a little longer


Types Of Writer’s Block (And How To Fix Them)

1. High inspiration, low motivation. You have so many ideas to write, but you just don’t have the motivation to actually get them down, and even if you can make yourself start writing it you’ll often find yourself getting distracted or disengaged in favour of imagining everything playing out

Try just bullet pointing the ideas you have instead of writing them properly, especially if you won’t remember it afterwards if you don’t. At least you’ll have the ideas ready to use when you have the motivation later on

2. Low inspiration, high motivation. You’re all prepared, you’re so pumped to write, you open your document aaaaand… three hours later, that cursor is still blinking at the top of a blank page

RIP pantsers but this is where plotting wins out; refer back to your plans and figure out where to go from here. You can also use your bullet points from the last point if this is applicable

3. No inspiration, no motivation. You don’t have any ideas, you don’t feel like writing, all in all everything is just sucky when you think about it

Make a deal with yourself; usually when I’m feeling this way I can tell myself “Okay, just write anyway for ten minutes and after that, if you really want to stop, you can stop” and then once my ten minutes is up I’ve often found my flow. Just remember that, if you still don’t want to keep writing after your ten minutes is up, don’t keep writing anyway and break your deal - it’ll be harder to make deals with yourself in future if your brain knows you don’t honour them

4. Can’t bridge the gap. When you’re stuck on this one sentence/paragraph that you just don’t know how to progress through. Until you figure it out, productivity has slowed to a halt

Mark it up, bullet point what you want to happen here, then move on. A lot of people don’t know how to keep writing after skipping a part because they don’t know exactly what happened to lead up to this moment - but you have a general idea just like you do for everything else you’re writing, and that’s enough. Just keep it generic and know you can go back to edit later, at the same time as when you’re filling in the blank. It’ll give editing you a clear purpose, if nothing else

5. Perfectionism and self-doubt. You don’t think your writing is perfect first time, so you struggle to accept that it’s anything better than a total failure. Whether or not you’re aware of the fact that this is an unrealistic standard makes no difference

Perfection is stagnant. If you write the perfect story, which would require you to turn a good story into something objective rather than subjective, then after that you’d never write again, because nothing will ever meet that standard again. That or you would only ever write the same kind of stories over and over, never growing or developing as a writer. If you’re looking back on your writing and saying “This is so bad, I hate it”, that’s generally a good thing; it means you’ve grown and improved. Maybe your current writing isn’t bad, if just matched your skill level at the time, and since then you’re able to maintain a higher standard since you’ve learned more about your craft as time went on

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