
Art is my life


Artist 🎨 • 22 • Autistic • Ducktales brainrot • Mermaid lover • Animation • Anime • Multifandom • Loves cartoons old and new • Video game lover

Hello, everyone! Once again, I will be the one hosting Scrooge Week for 2024! For this week, go all out into making some art, fanfic or anything based on the following prompts below!

Day 1: Fortune

Day 2: Adventure

Day 3: Family/ Comfort

Day 4: Enemy

Day 5: Scottish

Day 6: Beach Day!

Day 7: Free day!


Here are some rules:

•If you’d like to participate, tag me and use #scroogeweek2024 so I can see your post, repost it, and tag you.

•Be sure to say what day it’s for.

•you can put the prompt list on your posts if you’d like. It’s optional!

•Even if you miss a day or two, you can still post it and I’ll tag you!

And that’s about it! Scrooge week will start on June 23rd! ✨✨✨


The way he tears up when he sees Webby for the first time. TT.TT The sight of her just completely disarms him. 

I have no doubt he’d have welcomed Beakley in if it had been just her, but I don’t think he’d have come so close to crying as he did seeing wee Webbigail. 



I’m really curious about what would be next for May and June.

Since the show is over, this ^ is technically all we’re going to get, but ya know… fanfiction brain.

I couldn’t help but notice while re-watching the finale that almost all the lines about wanting answers as to why they exist were given to May.

And almost all the lines about wanting family were given to June. 

In this way, they each embodied a different desire of Webby’s: to have answers about her origins, and to belong to a family. 

Further examples from May’s lines:

“If we learn everything about you, maybe we can figure out why F.O.W.L. made us!” “Webby, we’ll never get answers about who we are from those people, and neither will you.” “This is the only way to get answers. Director Buzzard left us behind and said if we brought him the Missing Mysteries, he’d tell us everything… the truth about us! Don’t you wanna to know?  “Your name is whatever he says it is because he created us all and we are THIS close to learning why!” “Focus! It’s almost over. We gotta keep these guys on lockdown so that we can win, and learn all our secrets, and then Heron and Buzzard will be so, so proud of us!” “That’s why we were made? So Bradford could find some dumb piece of paper and get rid of us?!”

Meanwhile, June’s lines revealed she’s far more family-oriented. 

“May says we’re not related to any of these people.”  “Come with us, sister! Please?” “WE WANTED YOU TO BE OUR SISTER! WHY’D YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT SO DIFFICULT?!?” “They’re so sweet! Family together, just like us!” “HI MOMMY!” “MOM! NOOO!”

Even in this moment when they shared one sentence, June’s half was focused on Heron - the only “mother,” she ever knew - being gone, and May’s half was about not knowing her purpose.

All that being said, it’d be fascinating to speculate how the two would adjust to being part of Clan McDuck. I think this moment could be a big hint.

June was so touched by Webby’s speech about family, and immediately smiled when Webby included her and May in her list of family members. Meanwhile, May still looked devastated.

At the end of the day, June will be getting what she craved most - a family that loves her. But May’s heart’s desire was to discover why she was created. The trouble is… she didn’t like what she found out. Who would? Her dream came true and it turned out to be a nightmare. 

This could make her cynical about June’s dream, as well. She may struggle with trust, and have a much harder time adjusting to life with a family… not that it’ll be easy for June, either. 

Despite appearing to be the same age as Webby, they were only created a few weeks or months prior and then artificially aged.

Their young chronological age, coupled with not being loved and nurtured at all, has left them immature for their physical age. 

For example, June deciding it was okay and even helpful to start wrecking Webby’s board, something she treasures and that she’s worked so hard on, without even asking, is something I would expect from a child 5-7 years old (based on my childhood experiences involving younger friends or playdates with no malicious intent thinking that cutting or ripping up my stuff was okay or helpful). 

In May and June, the brain development that occurs in children through nurture hasn’t happened. They haven’t been shown affection by those they consider their parents. They haven’t been taught right from wrong, or appropriate from inappropriate. They haven’t been disciplined in a healthy way when they do something bad. 

To sum up… they are both developmentally advanced, and developmentally delayed. Chronologically, they’re only a few weeks or months out from their conception. Physically, they’re 11 or 12. Emotionally, they’re about half that. 

I can definitely imagine them having some behavioral problems going forward, especially given the trauma they’ve both recently experienced, and the verbal and emotional abuse they received before that. 

These two are so lucky to be in Donald’s care, and I’m sure Daisy will love them, too. There’s just so much they’re going to have to get used to, and then once Donald and Daisy inevitably get married, they’ll have to adjust to that new situation, too. There are bound to be conflicts with the other children, and the adults might not always know the best thing to say or do to guide them or help them heal.

But gosh darn it, you know this fam is going to make it work and show these girls the love and devotion they need. And I’m sad we won’t get to see it, but we can imagine, at least.

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