
@proteesiukkonen / proteesiukkonen.tumblr.com

I draw, create fictional people and plot their demise.

Since I’ve gotten some new followers recently and about-pages aren’t reliably seen anymore, I figured it’s finally time for a pinned post.

So, hi! You can call me Mipe. I’m Finnish and have existed since 1989. This is where I post sketches, not-so-sketches and definitely-not-sketches of whatever, usually my OCs. Sometimes I might ramble. Things here tend to be queer.

Tags to find stuff with under cut:


OC Duo Answers Ask Game

So because I'm incapable of doing things the conventional way, here's an idea: for these asks, instead of picking an OC and just saying things (which I like, don't get me wrong), to answer these asks pick two characters, and answer the questions as if each character were talking about the other. These answers don't have to be accurate; they reflect each character's perceptions of the other. They can be friends, family, enemies, anything to each other.

😇- What's their best trait?

👿- What's their worst trait?

⚖️- Are they a good person?

👁️- Do you really know them?

👥- What are they to you?

❤️- What are you to them?

🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?

😘- Are they your type?

😨- What's their greatest fear?

🧠- What's your best memory with them? Worst?

👣- How long have you known each other?

🫂- How has your relationship changed recently?

🫡- Are they a good leader?

If you guys have asks you want to add in the reblogs, go ahead, ik this isn't a lot.

Gonna tag people below the cut to get this started:

Anonymous asked:

Dude- leave some of the ✨really darn fun to look at artstyle✨ for the rest of us /hj /vvvpos


Gustav: 👛 ⚖️

Gunilla: 🪽 🪰

Lou: 🛡️🪷



Hehe hoho höhö


👛 What is always with him: Totally didn’t first read this as like ”what the hell is up with this guy” but I guess it means like, belongings. Cause, purse emoji. Yeah. ANYWAY. I like to think Gustav is actually pretty bad at carrying around stuff he needs to. Like, he’ll grab one thing but forget another. But considering his job is to be a mix of HR and press agent, he tries very hard to have a notebook and a pen on him at all times. He also has one of these 80s impractical giant cellphones that he’s VERY proud of and would like to take to places to be seen as Hip and Cool, but even he has to admit (if only secretly to himself) that it’s a pain in the ass to lug around.

⚖️ How does he seek justice: HHHHH tough one. I say for most things he’d just rather talk things through privately with the offending party and make a very, uh, unrefusable case for why it’s better for everyone involved to make amends on his terms. After all, he is not an unreasonable guy…


🪽Does she believe in a higher power: Darling, she is the higher power. Seriously tho, she’s the kind of person who thinks believing in a higher power is for those who don’t believe in themselves or those who want to exploit aforementioned people.

🪰What is the worst thing she has witnessed but not experienced: While there’s a lot of gruesome stuff that happens around her, she’s always been far enough removed from the action that she hasn’t personally witnessed a whole lot - nothing worse than experiencing a knife to the face at least. If you’d ask her, however, she’d probably rank childbirth pretty high on the list and she’d only be half-joking.


🛡️How does she protect herself and others: Herself, for the most part Lou just prefers to stay aware of what’s going on around her so she can steer clear of all unnecessary trouble. But she also makes sure the troublemakers around her stay aware that she is very capable and eager to resort to creative forms of violence on a disproportionate scale if harrassed. For others, she’ll supply medical aid and that should be enough so if everyone could just solve their own problems (or better yet, not get into them) without her, that would be super.

🪷What gives her inner peace: She’s been through some shit, but is now honestly quite content with the choices she has made and the life she has so she is living a relatively peaceful inner life as a result.


I'm still game for more oc asks (from the game I reblogged yesterday or any), btw. Our cat had to go to a surgery and she really dislikes the cone of shame, so we're trying to maximize the time she can spend without it by supervising her. So I'll likely be on cat parallel play duty a lot and writing some character musings while keeping one eye on the kitty could be a nice way to pass the time.


For the oc ask game: Pepe: 🪷♟️🪓 Lou:🦇🐦‍⬛🪓


Thank yoooou!


🪷: I don’t know if Pepe has ever felt true inner peace, but listening to music gets her pretty close. She’ll listen to her favorite albums if she wants to relax. I haven’t ever really drawn much relating to it, but she’s pretty into music, likes to keep up with the going-ons of the industry and is somewhat capable with a guitar (tho her favorite instrument is drums). Engaging with music makes her happy, but to a limited degree, because she also has bit of a poser taste and rancid opinions about genres so she’ll get into arguments easily.

♟️: she definitely would play chess and go in guns blazing, but her playing style would be to just eat as many of the opponent’s pieces as possible. She’d honestly try really hard to be sneaky but her strategic thinking peaks at “the less pieces they have the less they can do”. She also wouldn’t be above sneaking her own captured pieces back on the board, or removing one or two problem pieces from the opponent if the opportunity presented itself.

🪓: Her survival in a horror movie would depend on the type of the movie. She’d be the character to throw everyone and everything under the bus to save herself, so I think in most cases she’d get her comeuppance and die by the end of the second act haha. A bit more cynical horror movie might just let her live.


🦇: Lou isn’t a very fearful person, but I think she’d have a hard time tolerating getting stuck in the middle of a large crowd or confined spaces.

🐦‍⬛: I went back and forth on this a lot so I might have a different opinion later, but currently I think her fursona would be a vampire bat. Kinda soft-looking and minds its own business but can and will do fucky things to your blood to survive. Plus I think human Lou would have a go at drinking blood if it wasn’t such an obvious health hazard lmaoo.

(Please excuse the clumsy art I really do have shit imagination when it comes to designing furries asdgdkdhf)

🪓: She absolutely would survive a horror movie. Either by kicking ass or just walking away from the inciting incident.


oc ask game cuz im bored. ok to rb!!

🪷 what gives this character inner peace?

🪰 what is the worst thing this character has witnessed but not experienced?

🐁 how are this characters ethics?

🚬 smoking/drinking habits? signature brand or drink?

🌫️ how does this character feel about lying?

🐦‍⬛ fursona?

♟️describe how they would play chess, if they would.

🎲 are they lucky?

🐌 do they carry their home with them or is it a place?

🦤 are they particularly smart in any way? how so, or not?

🪽does this character believe in a higher power?

🦪 how would this character describe their gender, if asked?

🫁 yuri or yaoi?

👛 what is always with this character?

🦇 biggest material fear (ie heights, bugs etc)

🪱 would this character move a worm off the pavement or save it?

🐞 does this character have any notable accent or dialect? what about other languages?

🦑 any pets?

🛡️how does this character protect themself and others?

🪓 would they make it to the end in a horror movie?

⚖️ how do they seek justice?


Kyllä mut voi viedä julkisille paikoille, vannon ja vakuutan.

If anyone wants to take a stab at translating this for the Finnish-impaired, go ahead, I can’t come up with anything.

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