“Though people around the world strongly disapprove of President Donald Trump’s signature policies, his planned U.S.-Mexico border wall stands out for its unpopularity. The border wall draws the strongest disapproval in 18 of 38...


Though people around the world strongly disapprove of President Donald Trump’s signature policies, his planned U.S.-Mexico border wall stands out for its unpopularity. The border wall draws the strongest disapproval in 18 of 38 countries surveyed, particularly in Latin America.

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  1. bambieisepic reblogged this from reyofmockingjays
  2. reyofmockingjays reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  3. whizzintrousas said: This map could be considered confusing and could easily be misinterpreted - it almost looks like you’re saying those countries agree with the policies
  4. bayleya reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  5. abstracthistory reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  6. afishinspace reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  7. desrenati reblogged this from truth-has-a-liberal-bias
  8. belunchiis reblogged this from ineedthislikeaholeinthehead
  9. yourfavealtgirl reblogged this from truth-has-a-liberal-bias
  10. ineedthislikeaholeinthehead reblogged this from truth-has-a-liberal-bias
  11. loveandaquestion said: When our ancestors came to the US after the country was established, they passed through immigration stations and registered. People today aren’t honoring that. How can the economy survive with so many people in the country without some regulation? If we keep raising taxes to pay for single payer healthcare and free education etc, we will soon become no better than socialist and communist economies. Notice how people in those countries protest their governments!! It won’t work.
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  18. ejkorvette reblogged this from mapsontheweb and added:
    Unlike 44, Trump does not care about what the rest of the world thinks. He is going to do what he thinks is good for...
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