Vulgar Tongues

After two decades on the Internet, every day I am still surprised by the explicitly vulgar language of unutterably coarse men.

They seem to take the Internet as a license for ugliness.

I have no trouble with an occasional risqué remark, or a slightly salacious innuendo. And I certainly encourage frank discussion of important things that may have, a few generations ago, been widely considered unspeakable and taboo.

But still: why ugly invective when it is not called for? Why express your lowest thoughts? Especially, when dealing with other people, why say the nastiest things thinkable, to them, or the darkest desire you may harbor towards them?

Such talk and “shit-posting” offends many people. I am not sure it is exactly offense I take. But I do experience revulsion, I resist aping their manners, and avoid interaction with such louts.

There will always be vulgarians and oafs and Philistines. But maybe a few of the smarter in their ranks might consider a less disgusting way of life. Until then… I click away.