Adult Fiction Query Feedback Giveaway

To celebrate the official start of summer, I will be offering brief, honest feedback on all adult submissions following the below guidelines and received before Friday at 5pm NY time. Please read all details below before submitting:

  • This is open from 5pm ET on June 20th through 5pm ET on June 24th.
  • This is only for adult fiction submissions. Nonfiction, YA, middle grade, picture books, etc. are not eligible for this giveaway.
  • To enter, send your submission to with the following in the subject: “Query - Peter Knapp - June 2016 Adult Fiction Feedback Giveaway – [Genre of your book]” (for example, “Query - Peter Knapp -  June 2016 Adult Feedback Giveaway - historical fiction”)
  • Include your query and the first 5 pages (approximately) of your manuscript pasted in the body of the email (as with a normal submission to New Leaf)
  • For projects that I am passing on, I will reply with 1-2 sentences giving the honest reason it didn’t work for me.
  • NOTE: this is NOT a critique, this is simply the reason I decided it isn’t right for me. It may be that I’m not seeking that type of book, it may be that the premise felt overly familiar, it may be that the dialogue was stilted, or that it doesn’t stand out enough in a saturated genre, etc.
  • NOTE: I cannot reply with further notes than what I provide in my initial response.
  • NOTE: This is NOT open to queries or submissions I have previously seen. No exceptions.
  • This IS, however, open to adult queries sent previously to other agents at New Leaf.
  • NOTE: This is NOT open to projects that are not yet ready for submission to agents. I often request manuscripts from feedback giveaways and expect manuscripts to be ready for consideration.
  • You can check what’s on my manuscript wish list here. For adult fiction, I am looking for upmarket fiction (think THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS, THE AGE OF MIRACLES, ME BEFORE YOU), voice-driven, grounded science fiction (think DARK MATTER or READY PLAYER ONE) and character-driven suspense (think BEFORE THE FALL, THE EXPATS, THE INQUISITOR, IN THE WOODS, DARK PLACES). I am NOT currently looking for space operas, dystopian, high fantasy, thrillers that are not character-driven, new adult, romance (including paranormal romance). 
  • It can take up to about 8 weeks for me to reply to all submissions, so please be patient.

I am excited to read your work! Thank you to anyone submitting.


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