Sooooo, I was just trying to find something to read and found this article by the times…. (forever ago but!!!): Men Are More Satisfied By ‘Bromances’ then 'Romance’

Image below:


I could not tell you how loudly I laughed when I read the first paragraph. Then There’s this:


Where I’m like hell yeah.

But then I read the next line



Originally posted by mishasaurus

So, I’m just like, okay….. well who the fuck cares if it “reduces the likelihood of men and women pairing up’????? I’m like

Let boys/men have fucking fulfilling relationships that aren’t romantic, Karen!!!! Shit!!!!

let men cry let men show emotion rant sorry for the rant mini rant random rant Men mental health emotions are okay

  1. dovez-yum added this GIF to a post
  2. themoonyloveenvy posted this
    Sooooo, I was just trying to find something to read and found this article by the times.... (forever ago but!!!): Men...