yet another homestuck liveblog.

in which one day i made the mistake of asking my best friend (who in the previous two months had done nothing but blabber about homestuck) what the webcomic actually was about and he somehow convinced me to make a liveblog. You can now start reading from the beginning!!

TG knows it’s John’s birthday but didn’t say anything (ಠ╭╮ಠ)


Really??!! You usually find beverages in the fridge, red text kid. Furthermore… fucking Christmas?? What, does he live in a desert or something? Assuming they’re a him, which I’m almost sure of.


Okay, but JOOOHN. That was rude. He was so happy about that apple juice, and you had to go and ruin it for him. 

John’s rudeness aside, they seem to be on very friendly terms, what with the nonchalant pee talking and all. I’m glad.

  1. iamreadinghs-blog posted this