yet another homestuck liveblog.

in which one day i made the mistake of asking my best friend (who in the previous two months had done nothing but blabber about homestuck) what the webcomic actually was about and he somehow convinced me to make a liveblog. You can now start reading from the beginning!!

Way to make someone feel bad about themselves. There were way worse people on the planet. Like people who genuinely enjoyed Fifty Shades Of Grey.


Except… you know, not playing the game, Rose.



You mean you are writing this stupid thing who isn’t going to help anyone anyway while you are still in that observatory and watch the meteors fall??? Does the little show inspire you, Rose??? Do you think they help you to find the right words to write this??


The ones who brought about the end of the world are also the only ones who have any hope to survive. That’s great and not unfair at all.

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