Against The Current — Alright so I’ve been noticing that a lot of...

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Alright so I’ve been noticing that a lot of accounts have been getting anon hate recently and I just had to say something about it. If you don’t like an account, unfollow them. Don’t terrorize them to the point where they don’t want to come on their...

Alright so I’ve been noticing that a lot of accounts have been getting anon hate recently and I just had to say something about it. If you don’t like an account, unfollow them. Don’t terrorize them to the point where they don’t want to come on their Tumblr account. Don’t ruin their day. And wanna know what’s even worse? The fact that you can’t even get behind what you are saying. If you can’t put your name behind what you are saying, don’t fucking say it.

Like the gif says: if someone has something that makes them happy, don’t take it away from them. And that is exactly what anon hate does. So just leave them alone. Why go out of your way to ruin someone’s day? Don’t spread negativity, spread positivity. Make people happy, don’t make them sad.

If someone you follow is getting anon hate stand up for them. Let them know that you are there for them. No one deserves to go through that alone. No one deserves to go through that at all. If you are getting anon hate, there is a way to block an IP address on Tumblr. If it gets that bad, block them and move on. You are amazing and don’t deserve what you are getting. Remember that.

againstthecurrxnt anon hate is not okay anon hate stand up to anon hate against the current against the current gif atc chrissy costanza christina costanza

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