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Dave Lizewski Imagine: Sick
At your school there was always a bug going around, and somebody was almost always ill; that’s just how it was. So it wasn’t uncommon to have a headache or be sick. You just put up and shut up, but this...


Dave Lizewski Imagine:  Sick

At your school there was always a bug going around, and somebody was almost always ill; that’s just how it was. So it wasn’t uncommon to have a headache or be sick. You just put up and shut up, but this time Dave wasn’t having it.

Your parents had both gone on a business trip together for a couple days and had left you alone, figuring you would be okay, so you had the house to yourself. Because of this your boyfriend Dave had stayed over the night, you guys didn’t sleep together, but rather just in the same bed. Rolling over you buried your head into the crook in Dave’s neck wincing in pain coming from your head.

“Babe are you okay?” he whispered hearing you nearly cry. “Babe, you’re burning up, hang on I’ll be back I will go get a towel to cool your temperature and I think I know where there are some paracetamol.” He spoke kissing your head, each word he spoke hurting your head even more.

It wasn’t long until he came back with a glass of water, tablets and a damp towel for your head. “Babe yo should go, I don’t want you to get sick” you whispered evening speaking hurt you. “No because you are ill and I refuse to leave you alone for one minute never mind one day until you’re better.” He said harshly before stroking your cheek “My princess deserves the best” he laughed quietly before reaching for your laptop. After plumping up your pillows he cuddled into you and let your favourite movie play softly; We Bought A Zoo.

After almost an hour you had fallen asleep, Dave however had just let you drift away whilst lying on his chest. “No Marty I’m not in today” he hushed down the phone stroking your hair unaware you were awake. Pretending you were asleep you continued to eavesdrop on his conversation. “Yes Marty I’m with y/n, yes I’m sat with her on her bed she wasn’t feeling well so we stayed in bed. No Marty you pervert” he answered down the phone to Marty’s multiple questions. “Yes Marty I love her okay?” he practically yelled making you jump slightly, Dave immediately hanging up the phone. “Hey princess, are you okay?” he questioned trying to hide the embarrassment he had on his face.

“Dave, I love you too” you smiled leaning over and kissing him softly. “I love you too”

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