Asked by Anonymous
How do I bring up that I think I have a mental illness to my parents who tend to shrug things off?


Hey anon, 
Thats a great question. I suggest you sit them down and explain to them the symptoms you are experiencing, how they are impacting your life, and a specific plan of how they can help you. 

One way you can ask them to help you is to take you to your GP to discuss your symptoms. If they try to dismiss or minimize what you are experiencing, ask them to just consider going to the dr with you to discuss it. That way they don’t have to make a ‘big deal’ out of it, and you can hopefully get closer to getting some help. When you meet with your dr, you can explain to them privately that your parents are dismissive of your issues and that you would like their help in explaining mental health concerns and the benefit of therapy to them. 
You can also consider showing your parents resources about the things you are struggling with so that they can understand it more and see that it is a serious issue. There are lots of videos and websites targeted for parents, so definitely google search for and utilize those. And in order to help you plan for your discussion, check out our resources on telling someone: 

How to tell someone about your mental health & interactions with others

Take care,

Lee says:


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