Asked by Anonymous
Could I have a script for telling my parents I struggle with mental illness and would like to get an appointment with a therapist?


Sure thing! 

  • You: Hey, Mom/Dad ect., I’ve been wanting to talk to you about some things I’ve been experiencing lately. I’ve recently felt depressed/paranoid/anxious etc. and I’m really starting to consider that this may be a larger issue. I would like to talk to someone about it, and was wondering if you would help me make an appointment with a therapist so I could start to move my mental health in a better direction. 
  • Them: I’m glad you brought this up with us. If you feel that a therapist would be helpful we can start looking into it right away. 

conversations like this are very difficult and often have to be repeated a few times before you see results. So if your parents are standoffish or disagree with what you feel you need, just keep having the conversation. All they need is time to adjust to the concept. 

Try speak positively about it, focus more on the getting better/healing than the illness. It makes the adjustment for them easier. and as always with these issues Stand Your Ground. You know yourself best, if you feel you need therapy that’s what you need. Keep asserting this until they understand. hopefully this script can get the conversation going well, good luck!

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