
Hi, I'm Natacha from Rio, Brazil.
Everything from the tagged #mine is from my own edit.
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

(Source: purpise)

Posted on Friday, June 16th at 08:00PM with 2,226 notes
tags: mine, moonrise kingdom, wes anderson, gifs, gif, my gifs, screen, movie, film, movie still, film still, grunge, indie, alternative, dance, children, childhood, pale, pastel, movie quotes, movie quote gif, film quotes, +1k,

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  2. moviesmakemyday reblogged this from purpise
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  4. buublal reblogged this from abyssinthedarkness
  5. purpise posted this
RAW Paste Data . .

Hi, I'm Natacha from Rio, Brazil.
Everything from the tagged #mine is from my own edit.
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

(Source: purpise)

Posted on Friday, June 16th at 08:00PM with 2,226 notes
tags: mine, moonrise kingdom, wes anderson, gifs, gif, my gifs, screen, movie, film, movie still, film still, grunge, indie, alternative, dance, children, childhood, pale, pastel, movie quotes, movie quote gif, film quotes, +1k,

  1. amor-barato reblogged this from purpise
  2. moviesmakemyday reblogged this from purpise
  3. tribaeve reblogged this from deep-delusions
  4. buublal reblogged this from abyssinthedarkness
  5. purpise posted this