Seiyuu's Little Forest — rin-kirkland-jones do-S!OnoD and docile!HiroC… I...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
rin-kirkland-jones do-S!OnoD and docile!HiroC… I choose that gif because it suits the mood of the story (and also because I want to punch OnoD)
Note: “Cat Ears Meow Meow Inc.” is a direct translation of “Neko Mimi Nyan Nyan” -_-;; Its not only a fake...

rin-kirkland-jones do-S!OnoD and docile!HiroC… I choose that gif because it suits the mood of the story (and also because I want to punch OnoD)

Note: “Cat Ears Meow Meow Inc.” is a direct translation of “Neko Mimi Nyan Nyan” -_-;; Its not only a fake company, in other word, HiroC couldn’t claim the money back and had to pay for the stuff; and one more, Nyan Nyan is…. er… kind of slang for ‘Having Sex’ -”-;; Somehow listening to OnoD keep repeating “HiroC~ Neko Mimi Nyan Nyan, ok? Don’t forget~its NEKO MIMI NYAN NYAN~” really pissed me off =A=;; he really emphasized the NYAN NYAN part!!

And HiroC asked for the receipt to be addressed to Nippon Cultural Broadcasting, means OnoD will be the one who get questioned about the bill XD!! Simply because HiroC wouldn’t go to Lawson IF it was not OnoD who told him to go \~^^~/


– 神谷浩史・小野大輔のDearGirl~Stories~ 第234話 –

kamiya hiroshi ono daisuke seiyuu Seiyuu's Little Forest dear girl stories where's my promise of never write them together again?? Whatever! Send me hate message or ask and I'll delete it straight away!!

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