Sam singing (reluctantly) along to ‘Night Moves’ and even changing the lyrics, must be one of the most intimate interactions they have had (at least on film).
Not everyone is confident enough to sing out loud. It’s why people do it in the shower or...

Sam singing (reluctantly) along to ‘Night Moves’ and even changing the lyrics, must be one of the most intimate interactions they have had (at least on film).
Not everyone is confident enough to sing out loud. It’s why people do it in the shower or when they know they’re alone. Even more so, it takes some guts to sing in front of someone you love. Those closest to you are your harshest judges.
The fact that Sam did that, and to music that really wasn’t his thing was pretty telling about their relationship. Not only that, he changed the freaking lyrics and practically sung-flirted at his brother. *Sing-song voice* Wincest!

wincest baby 11:04 night moves sammy singing sam winchester the hair is mesmerizing

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