
Would someone please tell me which episode this is from? Even just the general time period. Pretty sure it’s Season 3, but I have no idea where specifically. Help?

Would someone please tell me which episode this is from? Even just the general time period. Pretty sure it’s Season 3, but I have no idea where specifically. Help?

  1. mycasandstarrs added this GIF to a post
  2. deansass14 reblogged this from scoobyfrickindoo
  3. lipstickandwhiskey added this GIF to a post
  4. justali89 reblogged this from scoobyfrickindoo and added:
  5. traaainwrex answered: “Malleus Maleficarum” Season 3
  6. demon-de-midi reblogged this from scoobyfrickindoo and added:
    S3 X 09 Malleus Malleficarum
  7. comealongyoucleverfandom reblogged this from scoobyfrickindoo
  8. samsonb13 reblogged this from scoobyfrickindoo
  9. missdreamgirl32 answered: I think this is the episode where They’re investigating some witches who’ve sold thier souls to a deamon and it goes after Dean.
  10. latenightcamaro answered: season 3 episode 9!
  11. scoobyfrickindoo posted this