Fic Roundup: Prompt 0017, Missing


Here is the summary of last week’s missing-companion fics! If your Missing-themed fic is tragically missing from this list, let me know and I’ll add it. And if you missed the deadline, or if you’re just finding this blog and want to write a fic for an older prompt, feel free to post your fic whenever it’s ready and tag #pillars prompts weekly and/or mention @pillarspromptsweekly and we’ll reblog your fic all the same.

Chosen, by @grumpy-jedi

If Wishes Were Fishes, by @queen-scribbles

Beast Within (Part 1), by @shimmer-like-agirl

Finally, Prompt 0018: Infiltrator is live for this week! Be sure to tag @pillarspromptsweekly and/or #pillars prompts weekly on any fics you post in response so they can be included on next week’s roundup.

pillars of eternity pillars of eternity fanfic PoE fanfic pillars prompts weekly prompt fills fic roundup prompt 0017

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