
Watchers! How many times have you turned to fic written by your fellow Pillars of Eternity fans when the canon of the games left you wanting more (or a second opinion on how some of that canon turned out)? How many times have you laughed, cried, fallen in love along with someone else’s characters, discovered new insights into the game’s companions and NPCs, or read long past your bedtime when a story was just too good to put down?

How many times have you let the authors of those fics know how much that story meant to you?

For more than a year, Pillars Prompts Weekly has been encouraging fic writers to share more of such stories. Now, we’d like to encourage readers and writers alike to share appreciation for these creations! And we’ve got some prizes in store for you, too. How to win them? By playing PoE Reader’s Bingo! Read on…


Each day, for the five days of PoE Fic Appreciation Week, November 12-16, we’ll reveal a row of the bingo card: five suggestions of ways to show your appreciation for your favorite fics. You could do all five that day and get a horizontal bingo! Or pick one or two - whatever in the list works for you. The next day, five more suggestions will be revealed. 

Each time you complete five in a row - vertical, horizontal, or diagonal - your BINGO earns you an entry in the prize drawing! (Maximum of five entries per person, and a bonus sixth if you fill all 25 squares on the board.) If you miss a day, no worries - you have until Friday, November 23 to get your contest entries in, so keep filling in your bingo board with glorious appreciation for the fics that you love. 

 There will be two grand winners, one for a prize from @rannadylin and one for a prize from @grumpy-jedi, your PoE Fic Appreciation Week coordinators. What can you win? 


Choose one of the offerings from the maker whose prize you win.


  • Handknitted dice bag or other accessory (click to see a sample bag)
  • Character art, or a scene from a fic (samples below)
  • Will beta-read a fic for you (preferably in a fandom I know and must be SFW)
  • Custom tea blend at adagio.com designed for your character (including label art by Ranna, and I’ll ship you a sample tin of your blend) (click for samples in the Cafe Nua collection)

Art samples:

  • Custom fic, min. 1000 words
  • Doodle of up to 3 characters or sketch of a single character (samples below)
  • Photo/watercolor paintover PoE portrait (samples below)
    • You supply a reference photo to be painted as your Watcher or OC
    • Or, request a portrait paintover of a Deadfire NPC’s watercolor picture

Doodle samples (left tiles)/Sketch sample (right tile):


Portrait paintover samples:



Ready to play along and show your favorite writers some love? Watch this space for today’s bingo card reveal, and in the meantime, start gathering some Pillars of Eternity fic links to appreciate! Want to read some fics in search of things to rec? Check out prompt fill fics at this blog, as well as the PoE tag on AO3!

Header art credit to @grumpy-jedi!


ETA: Monday’s bingo card row is now up! Time to start reccing!


ETA: Here is Tuesday’s bingo card row!


ETA: Wednesday’s row!


ETA: Thursday…and only one more to go after this!

PoE Fic Appreciation Updated with day four's prompts!

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