Stepped out of the shower at 2am to the sound of something just slamming into my front door. Thought it was inside it was so loud. Then I heard all the glass shatter, another huge slam, more glass falling. And I’m like freaking out because I’m naked and somebody is breaking into my house and my clothes are in the bedroom down the hall and I have a towel but I still feel exposed to this stranger in my house. But wait, why am I even worried about the naked part, why am I gonna run down the hall for clothes. I’m just locking myself in that motherfucking bathroom. But it’s so easy to find me in there and just blow down the door like this asshole just did to my front door and there’s nowhere to run and oh my fucking god what am I going to do? I’m about to be murdered. And the smashing and shattering (where is all this glass even coming from?!) continue and what the hell is going on?!

Well fuck it I’m fucking dying anyway, legit I’m about to be fucking murdered. So I start creeping out of the bathroom, down the hall, clinging to my towel like a security blanket. Get to the end of the hall and peek out towards the front door, just slightly, hopefully, the murderer won’t see me.



The door is shut and secure. The window beside it is fine. 

My neighbours didn’t properly shut their screen door, which is right next to mine. A severe windstorm kicked up while I was in the shower and their door has been smashing into mine and broke it.

I nearly needed an ambulance anyway for a heart attack. Never been so fucking terrified in my life and oh my god. All that for a damn screen door in the wind. 

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