Legion S01E01 - Lenny Busker

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Things primarily related to A Song of Ice and Fire, The Expanse, Always Sunny, Our Flag Means Death, Broad City, WWDITS, Killing Eve, Arcane, The Get Down, The Office, Better Call Saul, Mr. Robot, Misfits, Star Wars, rad stuff, board games, books, cartoons, ART, & my life. Ardent love of colorful gifsets.

I make gifs. Please don't send me requests anonymously, and try to be specific in your requests. See my tags.

I tag my posts meticulously. If you follow me for ASOIAF, you can blacklist the tag '#cs ts' rather than each individual comedy show. Dayman in top left by @pentecost.

URLs I use throughout the year:
ariannenymeria, bobbiesdraper, buskerlenny, captainsphasma, cruzmylene, darlenealdersons, ilanawexler, jimmysmcgill, justinajordan, karenvoss, and rosefinnrey.

Part of History of Westeros podcast