

Capitalism is getting very much more dystopian very quickly

It’s a matter of time before companies start their own Pod-communities and ‘strongly encourage’ workers to live there and set up rules like no alcohol and no defamation of the company in the Pods. 

As nightmarish as this is (and it is), this is only new for documented white people. From seasonal archiculture workers to construction workers to sweatshops, ‘sleep where you work and live your whole life controlled by your boss and coworkers pressured to spy on you’, has been very much a thing for a looooooooong time. 

This is one of many things capitalism has always done to workers and now they’re going “hhmmmm.. if I can do this to some workers, why not all of them? if I present it as a hip new way of urban living people for the ‘freelancers’ that I exploit, I might even be able to do it without the armed guards that run my sweatshops and plantations.”

Next, we’ll stack these up into a massive building and turn it into a completely self-sufficient corporate civilization with its own food farms and power plants that will no longer rely on non-internal corporate sources for anything.  Then we just will need an Artificial Intelligence to run it all… yeah… that’s the ticket.  No way that can end badly.