Spocktopia — (via GIPHY) I love in this gif how Kirk is all...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
I love in this gif how Kirk is all like “Come here, mister. You’re getting in the water!”
and Spock half-heartedly fights him: “Negative, Jim. I am functional as I am - Jim! This is unnecessary, Vulcans do not -”
*words muffled by the giant splash...

(via GIPHY)

I love in this gif how Kirk is all like “Come here, mister. You’re getting in the water!”

and Spock half-heartedly fights him: “Negative, Jim. I am functional as I am - Jim! This is unnecessary, Vulcans do not -”

*words muffled by the giant splash that the enthusiastic Space Husband creates*

Source: giphy.com
giphy star trek spock kirk the voyage home star trek iv old married spirk space husbands spirk

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