You're my first so many things.

GUYS !! Obviously the first two gifs are from 2x13 because we already saw the promo!! 

The “I’ll drink to that” from the third gif is also from 2x13 I guess because look at Magnus’ outfit, it’s the same shirt he’s wearing above.

AND THEN, that is EXACTLY what I thought, the Malec kiss might also be from 2x13 because look at Magnus’ collar ? Isn’t it the same as the ones above ??? YEAH IT IS.


As you might also know, sometimes the characters don’t change their outfits from one episode to another (look at Magnus’ during 2x09 and 2x10). So this all thing is to be taken carefully!!



Originally posted by iwillalwaysbeashadowhunter

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  9. justalexanderlightwood said: @edlynluna I think it’s Dot :)
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