Hi Cassie! I loved LoS so much! Thank you so much for it. It was heart-wrenching, but oh so wonderful to be back in my favourite world again. Just one question - peanut butter and Nutella toast? Pg 437, "... Julian said, spreading peanut butter and Nutella on his toast." Was this introduced to Julian by the kids? Did you eat this as a kid? Is it like Reese Peanut Butter cups on toast? Did he not know what peanut butter and Nutella was and just decided to combine them? Anyway, thanks so much! <3

My friend Holly Black is a fiend for peanut butter and Nutella toast. A FIEND. I may also find it odd, but I was probably literally writing that scene while in a house in Cornwall watching her scarf down peanut butter and Nutella, and it is the nature of writers to magpie up details from real life and put them into our fiction. :-)

  1. cassandraclare posted this