Old Milwaukee — The land for the park which was in time to become...

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The land for the park which was in time to become Milwaukee’s Washington park zoo was purchased in 1891 and given the name West park. It offered an excellent view of the city which at that time was developing around it. Its chief attraction, according to a report written in 1895, was its “grand, old forest, some 15 acres in extent, composed of the only maples and other old trees 100 feet high that were spared by the ax for a great distance around the city.” An artificial lake provided excellent boating in the summer and splendid skating in the winter. In 1897 a bandstand and concert grove were provided. These new facilities so enhanced band concerts in the public eye that such stands were erected in other city parks. Such widely known bands as Christopher Bach’s, Clauder’s and Dunker’s, as well as musical organizations of the city’s industrial firms, the Harvester and Overland bands, for example, performed several times a week. At the time that this picture was taken in the late 1890’s, the park was still known as West park; it received its new and more familiar name in 1900. Although part of the area is still maintained as a park, the rest has been taken over by the expressway. (Picture courtesy of C. J. Nelson, 2949 S. 94th st., and information from the local history collection of the Milwaukee public library.)

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