Indie Game Dev
  • DR Juicybear
  • Frostydowns
  • Slow progress is still progress
  • Just like make GAME!
  • Currently working on

  • ->Steel Resurrection

  • Finished projects

  • ->Gone Homeless (DEMO)
  • ->UE4 Multiplayer (DEMO)
  • ->Type Z (UE4 2D Game)
  • Real Life Bear Animal Simulator: AI Update


    Well, I’m here doing some AI work, and what a better way to do this than to meme a mini bitconnect game.

    Bitconnect is a crypto currency developed by SCAMMERS, so I’ve taken the liberty to make a small game just for fun out of it, while I setup the new AI system.

    The AI can:
    - Know if you’re collecting something.
    - If you have your light on it will chase you at a longer distance.
    - Randomly run into rooms/points.
    - Start shouting things.
    - Shout things when you pick things up.
    - Know when it’s near you to grab, front on.
    - All of this is created in the AI Actor, the AI blueprint has nothing really in it.
    - It all sounds basic but it’s the foundation done, which is the hard part.

    I should be able to add on a bunch of different complex systems now for the main game, so animals die of hunger if they’re not eating and what not.

    Now I just gotta spend a bit of time on polishing up how the actor runs around and make this all nice and import into my game, then get working on combat for animals so that I’ve got some type of proper game.

    Also polish up this mini horror game so I can practice my level design and art.