< Hiatus
Symone ❈ 29 ❈ Multifandom ❈ I reblog or post about anime, games, & movies ❈ Talk to me about our hero Nyx Ulric ❈ Side Blog: the-glaive
posted on Feb 10th '16 with 224 notes  •  
  1. 8yrkeenler reblogged this from the-most-handsome-ginger
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  12. aussieokie reblogged this from toyfrog and added:
    Ressler is a man of few words, and I love that quality.
  13. toyfrog reblogged this from mcgarretts-seal-pack and added:
    Diego says more in a scene with a look or a smile than with hardly any dialogue
  14. ulric-nyx posted this