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New update of “child can using magic/spell mod”

New Update:

- Child sim can using cauldron and brew potion.
- Magic duel with child animation, if child and other child. Except, still using adult animation if child sim using wand when magic duel or child duel with adult sim.
- Fix for child sim can teleport now.
- Remove some reaction when they finish using spell, because it very annoying. 😅
Delete my old mod of “child can using magic/spell” include animation and replece with new update of this mod.

- Sims4studio, s4pe, blender

Previous post of this mod

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For see update of my mod  🙂

@maxismatchccworld  ❤️ ❤️

Oct 30.2019 | 341notes -
posted by:hanalinori
s4cc     ts4cc     s4mods     s4 mods    

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