Danny Barnes
19. Brazillian. Fell into the rabbit hole too.
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I’m overanalizyng riarkle like I do with Lucaya, so here’s what I see: Riley drags Farkle, she’s afraid and a lttle annoyed about the “blab” thing he’s wanting to do. So, while she’s angry she stops, and pick his coat first than her own. Like: “I’M...

I’m overanalizyng riarkle like I do with Lucaya, so here’s what I see: Riley drags Farkle, she’s afraid and a lttle annoyed about the “blab” thing he’s wanting to do. So, while she’s angry she stops, and pick his coat first than her own. Like: “I’M REALLY PISSED WITH YOU, DON’T DO THIS, I WILL KILL YOU BUT FIRST LET ME TAKE YOUR COAT CAUSE I DON’T WANT YOU TO FREEZE OUT THERE”

gif by @farklemlnkus (i guess, if I’m wrong let me know it so I credit the right person.)

posted 06/12/15 with 464 notes
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