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“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
“ In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania...
  • In Pennsylvania, election observers are guarding against voter suppression tactics

    ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Minority voters here may notice the presence of election observers milling about polling places during Tuesday’s election. Pennsylvania organizers from Election Protection, a nonpartisan organization run by the the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, planned to dispatch close to 700 observers. These volunteers have been trained to spot suppression tactics, record those incidences and report them to the appropriate authority. This year could be particularly bad for minority voters — and not because of Trump.

  • 7 years ago on November 08, 2016 at 3:12 pm

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