Hey all! It’s that time of year! June 1st marks the anniversary of the Static #1 comic book release. It’s been a long time since the comic book and animated series ended along with Virgil’s short lived featuring in Young Justice (hopefully he’ll appear regularly in season 3), and a reboot comic that ended entirely too soon, but here’s where the second annual Static Shock Appreciation Week comes in! While were waiting for some new Static content for us fans to gobble up why not, in celebration of the 24th anniversary of Virgil Hawkins becoming the young, intelligent, electrified superhero we all know and love, spread our appreciation and love for this awesome super hero. This is to show everyone that the Static fandom is far from dead , and  we’re still here and waiting for Static and his crew to come back to us!

The event will start on May 29th and last through June 4th with a special prompt for each day. Anything goes as long as it pertains to the prompt no matter how accurate or how loose. Fanart, Fanfic, gifs, headcanons, anecdotes, etc are accepted for the comics and animated TV show, if Static was in it then it can be included. Just make sure to tag #StaticShockAppreciationWeek2017 in your posts so I can reblog it here and so others can see it in the tag.

Day 1 (May 29th) -Favorite Static Moment (What made you like Virgil Hawkins?)
Day 2 (May 30th) - Favorite Character in the Comic or TV Series
Day 3 (May 31st) - Favorite Static Shock Rogue (Ebon, Hotstreak, Puff, etc)
Day 4 (June 1st) - Happy Anniversary! What do you hope to see included in future Static incarnations?
Day 5 (June 2nd) - Favorite Episode or Comic Arc and Why.
Day 6 (June 3rd) - Favorite Character Relationships (Familial, Platonic, or Romantic)
Day 7 (June 4th) - Free Day (Anything goes, something you wanted to do didn’t fit in the other days? Today’s the day to let it all out with a bang!)

And that’s it! Take the rest of the time to think up and spread the news! Hope everyone that wants to participate can. Last year had a great turn out. I hope to see more of you post you thoughts and creations this year! Don’t forget to tag #StaticShockAppreciationWeek2017 in your posts!

Posted 6 years ago with 288 notes
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