30 years ago today, Jim Lee was celebrating the release of WildC.A.T.s #1 with a 24-hour cross-country book signing tour, which included Jim Hanley’s Universe in New York and Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles.  The summer of 1992 certainly felt like the Summer of Image Comics as Rob Liefeld, Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen, Jim Lee, Jim Valentino and Marc Silvestri were out on the convention and retail circuit actively promoting their new titles being published under their shared imprint.  It was a great time to be a fan and I’ve enjoyed pulling these comics out of the archives to revisit them for the first time in many years!

image comics image 30th anniversary anthology youngblood rob liefeld spawn todd mcfarlane savage dragon erik larsen jim lee wildc.a.t.s shadowhawk jim valentino cyberforce marc silvestri image 1992

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