n*fw-ish from time to time. and maybe, once in a blue moon, actually n*fw (but that may depend on your personal feels on what is or isn't n*fw. so follow with caution? or run away. *shrug*)
KAMILLE IS A MAN'S NAME AND I'M A MAN click 'about moi' for more. ;|

10th March 2013

Photoset with 48 notes

I love Tony’s voice. I’m just saying because this gif set doesn’t do this scene enough justice. The way he says, “Hey, hey, HEY! What, are we engaged or somethin’?” haha. They’re both so adorable. I could go on and on of why I love this scene much (the way Fievel tries to emulate Tony’s tough guy walk at the end! odrijgjoioifofg) but haha I’ll stop. c:

Tagged: An American Tailgifgif setgfifiojfjiofiofdjiofji SO CUTEDon Bluth

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