photo post
3x01 / 3x05 | There might just come a day when we need the Legends to do what they do best. Be the chainsaw.
3x01 / 3x05 | There might just come a day when we need the Legends to do what they do best. Be the chainsaw.
3x01 / 3x05 | There might just come a day when we need the Legends to do what they do best. Be the chainsaw.
3x01 / 3x05 | There might just come a day when we need the Legends to do what they do best. Be the chainsaw.
  • 3x01 / 3x05 | There might just come a day when we need the Legends to do what they do best. Be the chainsaw.

  • 6 years ago on November 07, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    original post
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      * quando l'unica cosa che ti trattiene dal tirargli una ciabatta è il suo bel faccino *
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