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Adventure Through The Lens: A Travel Blog
There are certain colors that dominate memory mixed on the palette of the mind’s eye with the hues from dreams.
But it’s the tones of nostalgia that stand out the most: lingering longing for places and...

Adventure Through The Lens: A Travel Blog

There are certain colors that dominate memory mixed on the palette of the mind’s eye with the hues from dreams.

But it’s the tones of nostalgia that stand out the most: lingering longing for places and moments we have or have not experienced that creates a void in our beings so deep that its echo is felt in every moment.

There are words for this type of nostalgia: sensucht and saudade. Sensucht is a German word that describes the emotional state of longing and yearning and saudade is a Galician- Portuguese word that describes a similar intense state of longing for something or someone. They can both be experienced as a longing for a place that is unidentifiable but somehow familiar and indicative of what we would most closely identify as home. Sometimes the yearning is so intense that only the emotional state is what we are aware of and it’s not always easy to tell that there is a deep yearning for something or someone at that moment.

As the early morning light casts its glow over the reds of the bricks in the city I call home, I feel a constant longing for other cities I have not yet experienced.

In the light that falls onto the street early in the evening I see the same light casting its glow on the spaces I wish to walk thousands of miles away.

Welcome to my new travel blog.

For a really long time, my biography included this paragraph:

“I hope one day to have the means to be able to explore the rest of this vast world and to capture as much of it as I can with my photography in the same way that I have devoted myself to capturing the essence of New York City with my images.”

What better time than now to pursue my biggest dream? I have a few trips coming up related to workshops and conferences and a ton of ideas about where I would like to go to attempt to satiate my longing to travel.

This weekend I will be heading to the Hershey Food and Wine Festival in Pennsylvania with Carol from Girl Gone Travel. I can’t think of a better time to launch this venture!

I intend to explore the world in the same way I have approached exploring, photographing, and writing about New York City.

I hope you enjoy accompanying me on my journey.

*This was taken in Tribeca, New York City. I love old, faded signs and red brick facades and this scene made an indelible imprint on my heart.

View “New York City Architecture - Tribeca Cafe” in my portfolio, My Gear List, On G+,email me, or ask for help.

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