This is Thin Privilege

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So I made a post to raise awareness about fatphobia in a leftist reddit community. Within 2 hours, it became the second most controversial post of the entire subreddit.

All of that sourcing, all of that listening, even trying my best to appeal to the community, it returned as 0 votes and 31 comments, majority of them just want to insist that being fat is bad. I really don’t get it. I had all the sourcing necessary, I did almost the exact same thing as another post criticizing the ableism in leftist communities, with the context, the sources, trying my best to answer to bad faith arguments. What I got in return is the comment section I can’t even look at.

“If you put a fat people in an island they’ll become thin”, “fat people is why there isn’t Medicare for all”, “being fatphobic is wrong but being overweight is bad” like it’s not even two hours in. All the things I’ve debunked with my sources, like how I mentioned only 5% fat people lose weight permanently, how the medical system is so fatphobic that Medicare for all would mean nothing, and god forbid the last talking point. I don’t even disagree that I should do more exercise and eat better, when I started doing so my GPA went from 2.0 when I was dieting to 3.4. I guess I gotta get used to this now that it’s part of me and part of what I believe in. 

Thin privilege is people actually listen to you when you speak up.

(sorry for using a new account my other accounts were shadowbanned)


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